Class DoubleVector

  • public abstract class DoubleVector
    extends Vector<Double>
    A specialized Vector representing an ordered immutable sequence of double values.
    • Method Detail

      • zero

        public static DoubleVector zero​(VectorSpecies<Double> species)
        Returns a vector where all lane elements are set to the default primitive value.
        species - species of desired vector
        a zero vector of given species
      • fromByteArray

        public static DoubleVector fromByteArray​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                                 byte[] a,
                                                 int offset)
        Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset.

        Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the native byte order of the underlying platform

        This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting method as follows:

         return fromByteBuffer(species, ByteBuffer.wrap(a), offset, VectorMask.allTrue());
        species - species of desired vector
        a - the byte array
        offset - the offset into the array
        a vector loaded from a byte array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 or offset > a.length - (species.length() * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)
      • fromByteArray

        public static DoubleVector fromByteArray​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                                 byte[] a,
                                                 int offset,
                                                 VectorMask<Double> m)
        Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset and using a mask.

        Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the native byte order of the underlying platform.

        This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting method as follows:

         return fromByteBuffer(species, ByteBuffer.wrap(a), offset, m);
        species - species of desired vector
        a - the byte array
        offset - the offset into the array
        m - the mask
        a vector loaded from a byte array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset < 0 or for any vector lane index N where the mask at lane N is set offset >= a.length - (N * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)
      • fromArray

        public static DoubleVector fromArray​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                             double[] a,
                                             int offset)
        Loads a vector from an array starting at offset.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, the array element at index offset + N is placed into the resulting vector at lane index N.

        species - species of desired vector
        a - the array
        offset - the offset into the array
        the vector loaded from an array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset < 0, or offset > a.length - species.length()
      • fromArray

        public static DoubleVector fromArray​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                             double[] a,
                                             int offset,
                                             VectorMask<Double> m)
        Loads a vector from an array starting at offset and using a mask.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, if the mask lane at index N is set then the array element at index offset + N is placed into the resulting vector at lane index N, otherwise the default element value is placed into the resulting vector at lane index N.

        species - species of desired vector
        a - the array
        offset - the offset into the array
        m - the mask
        the vector loaded from an array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset < 0, or for any vector lane index N where the mask at lane N is set offset > a.length - N
      • fromArray

        public static DoubleVector fromArray​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                             double[] a,
                                             int a_offset,
                                             int[] indexMap,
                                             int i_offset)
        Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index map.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, the array element at index a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N] is placed into the resulting vector at lane index N.

        species - species of desired vector
        a - the array
        a_offset - the offset into the array, may be negative if relative indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the array bounds
        indexMap - the index map
        i_offset - the offset into the index map
        the vector loaded from an array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i_offset < 0, or i_offset > indexMap.length - species.length(), or for any vector lane index N the result of a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N] is < 0 or >= a.length
      • fromArray

        public static DoubleVector fromArray​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                             double[] a,
                                             int a_offset,
                                             VectorMask<Double> m,
                                             int[] indexMap,
                                             int i_offset)
        Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index map and using a mask.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, if the mask lane at index N is set then the array element at index a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N] is placed into the resulting vector at lane index N.

        species - species of desired vector
        a - the array
        a_offset - the offset into the array, may be negative if relative indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the array bounds
        m - the mask
        indexMap - the index map
        i_offset - the offset into the index map
        the vector loaded from an array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i_offset < 0, or i_offset > indexMap.length - species.length(), or for any vector lane index N where the mask at lane N is set the result of a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N] is < 0 or >= a.length
      • fromByteBuffer

        public static DoubleVector fromByteBuffer​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                                  ByteBuffer bb,
                                                  int offset)
        Loads a vector from a byte buffer starting at an offset into the byte buffer.

        Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the native byte order of the underlying platform.

        This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting fromByteBuffer(VectorSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, VectorMask) method} as follows:

           return fromByteBuffer(b, offset, VectorMask.allTrue())
        species - species of desired vector
        bb - the byte buffer
        offset - the offset into the byte buffer
        a vector loaded from a byte buffer
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the offset is < 0, or > b.limit(), or if there are fewer than species.length() * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE bytes remaining in the byte buffer from the given offset
      • fromByteBuffer

        public static DoubleVector fromByteBuffer​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                                  ByteBuffer bb,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  VectorMask<Double> m)
        Loads a vector from a byte buffer starting at an offset into the byte buffer and using a mask.

        This method behaves as if the byte buffer is viewed as a primitive buffer for the primitive element type, according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and the returned vector is loaded with a mask from a primitive array obtained from the primitive buffer. The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour, where EBuffer is the primitive buffer type, e is the primitive element type, and ESpecies is the primitive species for e:

         EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
         e[] es = new e[species.length()];
         for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
             if (m.isSet(n))
                 es[n] = eb.get(n);
         EVector r = EVector.fromArray(es, 0, m);
        species - species of desired vector
        bb - the byte buffer
        offset - the offset into the byte buffer
        m - the mask
        a vector loaded from a byte buffer
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the offset is < 0, or > b.limit(), for any vector lane index N where the mask at lane N is set offset >= b.limit() - (N * species.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)
      • broadcast

        public static DoubleVector broadcast​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                             double e)
        Returns a vector where all lane elements are set to the primitive value e.
        species - species of the desired vector
        e - the value to be broadcasted
        a vector of vector where all lane elements are set to the primitive value e
      • scalars

        public static DoubleVector scalars​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                           double... es)
        Returns a vector where each lane element is set to given primitive values.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, the the primitive value at index N is placed into the resulting vector at lane index N.

        species - species of the desired vector
        es - the given primitive values
        a vector where each lane element is set to given primitive values
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if es.length < species.length()
      • single

        public static final DoubleVector single​(VectorSpecies<Double> species,
                                                double e)
        Returns a vector where the first lane element is set to the primtive value e, all other lane elements are set to the default value.
        species - species of the desired vector
        e - the value
        a vector where the first lane element is set to the primitive value e
      • random

        public static DoubleVector random​(VectorSpecies<Double> species)
        Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a randomly generated primitive value. The semantics are equivalent to calling ThreadLocalRandom.nextDouble()
        species - species of the desired vector
        a vector where each lane elements is set to a randomly generated primitive value
      • add

        public abstract DoubleVector add​(Vector<Double> v)
        Adds this vector to an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation (+) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        add in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the result of adding this vector to the input vector
      • add

        public abstract DoubleVector add​(double s)
        Adds this vector to the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation (+) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the result of adding this vector to the broadcast of an input scalar
      • add

        public abstract DoubleVector add​(Vector<Double> v,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Adds this vector to an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation (+) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        add in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of adding this vector to the given vector
      • add

        public abstract DoubleVector add​(double s,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Adds this vector to broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive addition operation (+) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of adding this vector to the broadcast of an input scalar
      • sub

        public abstract DoubleVector sub​(Vector<Double> v)
        Subtracts an input vector from this vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction operation (-) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        sub in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the result of subtracting the input vector from this vector
      • sub

        public abstract DoubleVector sub​(double s)
        Subtracts the broadcast of an input scalar from this vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction operation (-) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the result of subtracting the broadcast of an input scalar from this vector
      • sub

        public abstract DoubleVector sub​(Vector<Double> v,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Subtracts an input vector from this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction operation (-) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        sub in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of subtracting the input vector from this vector
      • sub

        public abstract DoubleVector sub​(double s,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Subtracts the broadcast of an input scalar from this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive subtraction operation (-) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of subtracting the broadcast of an input scalar from this vector
      • mul

        public abstract DoubleVector mul​(Vector<Double> v)
        Multiplies this vector with an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication operation (*) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        mul in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the result of multiplying this vector with the input vector
      • mul

        public abstract DoubleVector mul​(double s)
        Multiplies this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication operation (*) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the result of multiplying this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar
      • mul

        public abstract DoubleVector mul​(Vector<Double> v,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Multiplies this vector with an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication operation (*) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        mul in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of multiplying this vector with the input vector
      • mul

        public abstract DoubleVector mul​(double s,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Multiplies this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive multiplication operation (*) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of multiplying this vector with the broadcast of an input scalar
      • neg

        public abstract DoubleVector neg()
        Negates this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the primitive negation operation (-) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        neg in class Vector<Double>
        the negation this vector
      • neg

        public abstract DoubleVector neg​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Negates this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the primitive negation operation (-) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        neg in class Vector<Double>
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the negation this vector
      • abs

        public abstract DoubleVector abs()
        Returns the modulus of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the operation (a) -> (a < 0) ? -a : a to each lane.

        Specified by:
        abs in class Vector<Double>
        the modulus this vector
      • abs

        public abstract DoubleVector abs​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Returns the modulus of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the operation (a) -> (a < 0) ? -a : a to each lane.

        Specified by:
        abs in class Vector<Double>
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the modulus this vector
      • min

        public abstract DoubleVector min​(Vector<Double> v)
        Returns the minimum of this vector and an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> a < b ? a : b to each lane.

        Specified by:
        min in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the minimum of this vector and the input vector
      • min

        public abstract DoubleVector min​(Vector<Double> v,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Returns the minimum of this vector and an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> a < b ? a : b to each lane.

        Specified by:
        min in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the minimum of this vector and the input vector
      • min

        public abstract DoubleVector min​(double s)
        Returns the minimum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the minimum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar
      • max

        public abstract DoubleVector max​(Vector<Double> v)
        Returns the maximum of this vector and an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b to each lane.

        Specified by:
        max in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the maximum of this vector and the input vector
      • max

        public abstract DoubleVector max​(Vector<Double> v,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Returns the maximum of this vector and an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b to each lane.

        Specified by:
        max in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the maximum of this vector and the input vector
      • max

        public abstract DoubleVector max​(double s)
        Returns the maximum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the maximum of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar
      • equal

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> equal​(Vector<Double> v)
        Tests if this vector is equal to an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive equals operation (==) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        equal in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the result mask of testing if this vector is equal to the input vector
      • equal

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> equal​(double s)
        Tests if this vector is equal to the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive equals operation (==) each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the result mask of testing if this vector is equal to the broadcast of an input scalar
      • notEqual

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> notEqual​(Vector<Double> v)
        Tests if this vector is not equal to an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive not equals operation (!=) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        notEqual in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the result mask of testing if this vector is not equal to the input vector
      • notEqual

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> notEqual​(double s)
        Tests if this vector is not equal to the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive not equals operation (!=) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the result mask of testing if this vector is not equal to the broadcast of an input scalar
      • lessThan

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> lessThan​(Vector<Double> v)
        Tests if this vector is less than an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive less than operation (<) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        lessThan in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the mask result of testing if this vector is less than the input vector
      • lessThan

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> lessThan​(double s)
        Tests if this vector is less than the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive less than operation (<) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the mask result of testing if this vector is less than the broadcast of an input scalar
      • lessThanEq

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> lessThanEq​(Vector<Double> v)
        Tests if this vector is less or equal to an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive less than or equal to operation (<=) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        lessThanEq in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the mask result of testing if this vector is less than or equal to the input vector
      • lessThanEq

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> lessThanEq​(double s)
        Tests if this vector is less or equal to the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive less than or equal to operation (<=) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the mask result of testing if this vector is less than or equal to the broadcast of an input scalar
      • greaterThan

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> greaterThan​(Vector<Double> v)
        Tests if this vector is greater than an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive greater than operation (>) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        greaterThan in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than the input vector
      • greaterThan

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> greaterThan​(double s)
        Tests if this vector is greater than the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive greater than operation (>) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than the broadcast of an input scalar
      • greaterThanEq

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> greaterThanEq​(Vector<Double> v)
        Tests if this vector is greater than or equal to an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive greater than or equal to operation (>=) to each lane.

        Specified by:
        greaterThanEq in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than or equal to the given vector
      • greaterThanEq

        public abstract VectorMask<Double> greaterThanEq​(double s)
        Tests if this vector is greater than or equal to the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary test operation which applies the primitive greater than or equal to operation (>=) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the mask result of testing if this vector is greater than or equal to the broadcast of an input scalar
      • blend

        public abstract DoubleVector blend​(Vector<Double> v,
                                           VectorMask<Double> m)
        Blends the lane elements of this vector with those of an input vector, selecting lanes controlled by a mask.

        For each lane of the mask, at lane index N, if the mask lane is set then the lane element at N from the input vector is selected and placed into the resulting vector at N, otherwise the lane element at N from this vector is selected and placed into the resulting vector at N.

        Specified by:
        blend in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with those of an input vector
      • blend

        public abstract DoubleVector blend​(double s,
                                           VectorMask<Double> m)
        Blends the lane elements of this vector with those of the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lanes controlled by a mask.

        For each lane of the mask, at lane index N, if the mask lane is set then the lane element at N from the input vector is selected and placed into the resulting vector at N, otherwise the the lane element at N from this input vector is selected and placed into the resulting vector at N.

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with those of the broadcast of an input scalar
      • rearrange

        public abstract DoubleVector rearrange​(Vector<Double> v,
                                               VectorShuffle<Double> s,
                                               VectorMask<Double> m)
        Rearranges the lane elements of this vector and those of an input vector, selecting lane indexes controlled by shuffles and a mask.

        This is a cross-lane operation that rearranges the lane elements of this vector and the input vector. This method behaves as if it rearranges each vector with the corresponding shuffle and then blends the two results with the mask:

         return this.rearrange(s1).blend(v.rearrange(s2), m);
        Specified by:
        rearrange in class Vector<Double>
        v - the input vector
        s - the shuffle controlling lane index selection of the input vector if corresponding mask lanes are set, otherwise controlling lane index selection of this vector
        m - the mask controlling shuffled lane selection
        the rearrangement of lane elements of this vector and those of an input vector
      • rearrange

        public abstract DoubleVector rearrange​(VectorShuffle<Double> m)
        Rearranges the lane elements of this vector selecting lane indexes controlled by a shuffle.

        This is a cross-lane operation that rearranges the lane elements of this vector. For each lane of the shuffle, at lane index N with lane element I, the lane element at I from this vector is selected and placed into the resulting vector at N.

        Specified by:
        rearrange in class Vector<Double>
        m - the shuffle controlling lane index selection
        the rearrangement of the lane elements of this vector
      • reshape

        public abstract DoubleVector reshape​(VectorSpecies<Double> s)
        Transforms this vector to a vector of same element type but different shape identified by species.

        The lane elements of this vector are copied without modification to the resulting vector, but those lane elements, before copying, may be truncated if this vector's length is greater than the desired vector's length, or appended to with default element values if this vector's length is less than desired vector's length.

        The method behaves as if this vector is stored into a byte array and then the returned vector is loaded from the byte array. The following pseudocode expresses the behavior:

         int alen = Math.max(this.bitSize(), s.bitSize()) / Byte.SIZE;
         byte[] a = new byte[alen];
         this.intoByteArray(a, 0);
         return $type$Vector.fromByteArray(s, a, 0);
        Specified by:
        reshape in class Vector<Double>
        s - species of the desired vector
        a vector transformed, by shape, from this vector
        See Also:
        Vector.reinterpret(VectorSpecies), Vector.cast(VectorSpecies)
      • rotateLanesLeft

        public abstract DoubleVector rotateLanesLeft​(int i)
        Rotates left the lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes, i, modulus the vector length.

        This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this vector. For each lane of the input vector, at lane index N, the lane element is placed into the result vector at lane index (N + i) % length().

        Specified by:
        rotateLanesLeft in class Vector<Double>
        i - the number of lanes to rotate left
        the result of rotating left lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes
      • rotateLanesRight

        public abstract DoubleVector rotateLanesRight​(int i)
        Rotates right the lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes, i, modulus the vector length.

        This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this vector. For each lane of the input vector, at lane index N, the lane element is placed into the result vector at lane index (N + length() - (i % length())) % length()

        Specified by:
        rotateLanesRight in class Vector<Double>
        i - the number of lanes to rotate right
        the result of rotating right lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes
      • shiftLanesLeft

        public abstract DoubleVector shiftLanesLeft​(int i)
        Shift left the lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes, i, modulus the vector length.

        This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this vector and behaves as if rotating left the lane elements by i, and then the zero value is placed into the result vector at lane indexes less than i % length().

        Specified by:
        shiftLanesLeft in class Vector<Double>
        i - the number of lanes to shift left
        the result of shifting left lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes
      • shiftLanesRight

        public abstract DoubleVector shiftLanesRight​(int i)
        Shift right the lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes, i, modulus the vector length.

        This is a cross-lane operation that permutes the lane elements of this vector and behaves as if rotating right the lane elements by i, and then the zero value is placed into the result vector at lane indexes greater or equal to length() - (i % length()).

        Specified by:
        shiftLanesRight in class Vector<Double>
        i - the number of lanes to shift right
        the result of shifting right lane elements of this vector by the given number of lanes
      • div

        public abstract DoubleVector div​(Vector<Double> v)
        Divides this vector by an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive division operation (/) to each lane.

        v - the input vector
        the result of dividing this vector by the input vector
      • div

        public abstract DoubleVector div​(double s)
        Divides this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive division operation (/) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        the result of dividing this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar
      • div

        public abstract DoubleVector div​(Vector<Double> v,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Divides this vector by an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive division operation (/) to each lane.

        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of dividing this vector by the input vector
      • div

        public abstract DoubleVector div​(double s,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Divides this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation which applies the primitive division operation (/) to each lane.

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the result of dividing this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar
      • sqrt

        public abstract DoubleVector sqrt()
        Calculates the square root of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the Math.sqrt(double) operation to each lane.

        the square root of this vector
      • sqrt

        public DoubleVector sqrt​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the square root of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation which applies the Math.sqrt(double) operation to each lane.

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the square root of this vector
      • tan

        public DoubleVector tan()
        Calculates the trigonometric tangent of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.tan(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.tan(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.tan(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the tangent of this vector
      • tan

        public DoubleVector tan​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the trigonometric tangent of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in tan()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the tangent of this vector
      • tanh

        public DoubleVector tanh()
        Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.tanh(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.tanh(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.tanh(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 2.5 ulps of the exact result.

        the hyperbolic tangent of this vector
      • tanh

        public DoubleVector tanh​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in tanh()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the hyperbolic tangent of this vector
      • sin

        public DoubleVector sin()
        Calculates the trigonometric sine of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.sin(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.sin(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.sin(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the sine of this vector
      • sin

        public DoubleVector sin​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the trigonometric sine of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in sin()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the sine of this vector
      • sinh

        public DoubleVector sinh()
        Calculates the hyperbolic sine of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.sinh(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.sinh(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.sinh(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 2.5 ulps of the exact result.

        the hyperbolic sine of this vector
      • sinh

        public DoubleVector sinh​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the hyperbolic sine of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in sinh()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the hyperbolic sine of this vector
      • cos

        public DoubleVector cos()
        Calculates the trigonometric cosine of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.cos(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.cos(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.cos(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the cosine of this vector
      • cos

        public DoubleVector cos​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the trigonometric cosine of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in cos()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the cosine of this vector
      • cosh

        public DoubleVector cosh()
        Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.cosh(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.cosh(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.cosh(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 2.5 ulps of the exact result.

        the hyperbolic cosine of this vector
      • cosh

        public DoubleVector cosh​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in cosh()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the hyperbolic cosine of this vector
      • asin

        public DoubleVector asin()
        Calculates the arc sine of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.asin(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.asin(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.asin(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the arc sine of this vector
      • asin

        public DoubleVector asin​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the arc sine of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in asin()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the arc sine of this vector
      • acos

        public DoubleVector acos()
        Calculates the arc cosine of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.acos(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.acos(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.acos(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the arc cosine of this vector
      • acos

        public DoubleVector acos​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the arc cosine of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in acos()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the arc cosine of this vector
      • atan

        public DoubleVector atan()
        Calculates the arc tangent of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.atan(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.atan(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.atan(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the arc tangent of this vector
      • atan

        public DoubleVector atan​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the arc tangent of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in atan()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the arc tangent of this vector
      • atan2

        public DoubleVector atan2​(Vector<Double> v)
        Calculates the arc tangent of this vector divided by an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation with same semantic definition as Math.atan2(double, double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.atan2(double, double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.atan2(double, double) specifications. The computed result will be within 2 ulps of the exact result.

        v - the input vector
        the arc tangent of this vector divided by the input vector
      • atan2

        public abstract DoubleVector atan2​(double s)
        Calculates the arc tangent of this vector divided by the broadcast of an an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation with same semantic definition as Math.atan2(double, double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.atan2(double, double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.atan2(double, double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        s - the input scalar
        the arc tangent of this vector over the input vector
      • atan2

        public DoubleVector atan2​(Vector<Double> v,
                                  VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the arc tangent of this vector divided by an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in atan2(jdk.incubator.vector.Vector<java.lang.Double>)

        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the arc tangent of this vector divided by the input vector
      • atan2

        public abstract DoubleVector atan2​(double s,
                                           VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the arc tangent of this vector divided by the broadcast of an an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in atan2(jdk.incubator.vector.Vector<java.lang.Double>)

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the arc tangent of this vector over the input vector
      • cbrt

        public DoubleVector cbrt()
        Calculates the cube root of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.cbrt(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.cbrt(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.cbrt(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the cube root of this vector
      • cbrt

        public DoubleVector cbrt​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the cube root of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in cbrt()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the cube root of this vector
      • log

        public DoubleVector log()
        Calculates the natural logarithm of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.log(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.log(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.log(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the natural logarithm of this vector
      • log

        public DoubleVector log​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the natural logarithm of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in log()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the natural logarithm of this vector
      • log10

        public DoubleVector log10()
        Calculates the base 10 logarithm of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.log10(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.log10(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.log10(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the base 10 logarithm of this vector
      • log10

        public DoubleVector log10​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the base 10 logarithm of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in log10()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the base 10 logarithm of this vector
      • log1p

        public DoubleVector log1p()
        Calculates the natural logarithm of the sum of this vector and the broadcast of 1.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.log1p(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.log1p(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.log1p(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the natural logarithm of the sum of this vector and the broadcast of 1
      • log1p

        public DoubleVector log1p​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the natural logarithm of the sum of this vector and the broadcast of 1, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in log1p()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the natural logarithm of the sum of this vector and the broadcast of 1
      • pow

        public DoubleVector pow​(Vector<Double> v)
        Calculates this vector raised to the power of an input vector.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation with same semantic definition as Math.pow(double, double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.pow(double, double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.pow(double, double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        v - the input vector
        this vector raised to the power of an input vector
      • pow

        public abstract DoubleVector pow​(double s)
        Calculates this vector raised to the power of the broadcast of an input scalar.

        This is a lane-wise binary operation with same semantic definition as Math.pow(double, double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.pow(double, double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.pow(double, double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        s - the input scalar
        this vector raised to the power of the broadcast of an input scalar.
      • pow

        public abstract DoubleVector pow​(double s,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates this vector raised to the power of the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in pow(jdk.incubator.vector.Vector<java.lang.Double>)

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        this vector raised to the power of the broadcast of an input scalar.
      • exp

        public DoubleVector exp()
        Calculates the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector.

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.exp(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.exp(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.exp(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector
      • exp

        public DoubleVector exp​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in exp()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector
      • expm1

        public DoubleVector expm1()
        Calculates the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector minus the broadcast of -1. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):
           this.exp().sub(EVector.broadcast(this.species(), 1))

        This is a lane-wise unary operation with same semantic definition as Math.expm1(double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.expm1(double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.expm1(double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector minus the broadcast of -1
      • expm1

        public DoubleVector expm1​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector minus the broadcast of -1, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):
           this.exp(m).sub(EVector.broadcast(this.species(), 1), m)

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in expm1()

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the broadcast of Euler's number e raised to the power of this vector minus the broadcast of -1
      • fma

        public abstract DoubleVector fma​(Vector<Double> v1,
                                         Vector<Double> v2)
        Calculates the product of this vector and a first input vector summed with a second input vector. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):

        This is a lane-wise ternary operation which applies the Math.fma(double, double, double) operation to each lane.

        v1 - the first input vector
        v2 - the second input vector
        the product of this vector and the first input vector summed with the second input vector
      • fma

        public abstract DoubleVector fma​(double s1,
                                         double s2)
        Calculates the product of this vector and the broadcast of a first input scalar summed with the broadcast of a second input scalar. More specifically as if the following:
           this.fma(EVector.broadcast(this.species(), s1), EVector.broadcast(this.species(), s2))

        This is a lane-wise ternary operation which applies the Math.fma(double, double, double) operation to each lane.

        s1 - the first input scalar
        s2 - the second input scalar
        the product of this vector and the broadcast of a first input scalar summed with the broadcast of a second input scalar
      • fma

        public DoubleVector fma​(Vector<Double> v1,
                                Vector<Double> v2,
                                VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the product of this vector and a first input vector summed with a second input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):
           this.mul(v1, m).add(v2, m)

        This is a lane-wise ternary operation which applies the Math.fma(double, double, double) operation to each lane.

        v1 - the first input vector
        v2 - the second input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the product of this vector and the first input vector summed with the second input vector
      • fma

        public abstract DoubleVector fma​(double s1,
                                         double s2,
                                         VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates the product of this vector and the broadcast of a first input scalar summed with the broadcast of a second input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask More specifically as if the following:
           this.fma(EVector.broadcast(this.species(), s1), EVector.broadcast(this.species(), s2), m)

        This is a lane-wise ternary operation which applies the Math.fma(double, double, double) operation to each lane.

        s1 - the first input scalar
        s2 - the second input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the product of this vector and the broadcast of a first input scalar summed with the broadcast of a second input scalar
      • hypot

        public DoubleVector hypot​(Vector<Double> v)
        Calculates square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and an input vector. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):

        This is a lane-wise binary operation with same semantic definition as Math.hypot(double, double) operation applied to each lane. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.hypot(double, double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.hypot(double, double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        v - the input vector
        square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and an input vector
      • hypot

        public abstract DoubleVector hypot​(double s)
        Calculates square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):
           this.mul(this).add(EVector.broadcast(this.species(), s * s)).sqrt()

        This is a lane-wise binary operation with same semantic definition as Math.hypot(double, double) operation applied to each. The implementation is not required to return same results as Math.hypot(double, double), but adheres to rounding, monotonicity, and special case semantics as defined in the Math.hypot(double, double) specifications. The computed result will be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

        s - the input scalar
        square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar
      • hypot

        public DoubleVector hypot​(Vector<Double> v,
                                  VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and an input vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):
           this.mul(this, m).add(v.mul(v), m).sqrt(m)

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in hypot(jdk.incubator.vector.Vector<java.lang.Double>)

        v - the input vector
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and an input vector
      • hypot

        public abstract DoubleVector hypot​(double s,
                                           VectorMask<Double> m)
        Calculates square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask. More specifically as if the following (ignoring any differences in numerical accuracy):
           this.mul(this, m).add(EVector.broadcast(this.species(), s * s), m).sqrt(m)

        Semantics for rounding, monotonicity, and special cases are described in hypot(jdk.incubator.vector.Vector<java.lang.Double>)

        s - the input scalar
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        square root of the sum of the squares of this vector and the broadcast of an input scalar
      • intoByteArray

        public abstract void intoByteArray​(byte[] a,
                                           int ix)
        Stores this vector into a byte array starting at an offset.

        Bytes are extracted from primitive lane elements according to the native byte order of the underlying platform.

        This method behaves as it calls the byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting method as follows:

         return this.intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a), i, this.maskAllTrue());
        Specified by:
        intoByteArray in class Vector<Double>
        a - the byte array
        ix - the offset into the array
      • intoByteArray

        public abstract void intoByteArray​(byte[] a,
                                           int ix,
                                           VectorMask<Double> m)
        Stores this vector into a byte array starting at an offset and using a mask.

        Bytes are extracted from primitive lane elements according to the native byte order of the underlying platform.

        This method behaves as it calls the byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting method as follows:

         return this.intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a), i, m);
        Specified by:
        intoByteArray in class Vector<Double>
        a - the byte array
        ix - the offset into the array
        m - the mask controlling lane selection
      • intoByteBuffer

        public abstract void intoByteBuffer​(ByteBuffer bb,
                                            int ix)
        Stores this vector into a byte buffer starting at an offset into the byte buffer.

        Bytes are extracted from primitive lane elements according to the native byte order of the underlying platform.

        This method behaves as if it calls the byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting Vector.intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer, int, VectorMask) method} as follows:

           this.intoByteBuffer(b, i, this.maskAllTrue())
        Specified by:
        intoByteBuffer in class Vector<Double>
        bb - the byte buffer
        ix - the offset into the byte buffer
      • intoByteBuffer

        public abstract void intoByteBuffer​(ByteBuffer bb,
                                            int ix,
                                            VectorMask<Double> m)
        Stores this vector into a byte buffer starting at an offset into the byte buffer and using a mask.

        This method behaves as if the byte buffer is viewed as a primitive buffer for the primitive element type, according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and the lane elements of this vector are put into the buffer if the corresponding mask lane is set. The following pseudocode expresses the behavior, where is the primitive buffer type, e is the primitive element type, and EVector is the primitive vector type for this vector:

         EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
         e[] es = ((EVector)this).toArray();
         for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
             if (m.isSet(n)) {
                 eb.put(n, es[n]);
        Specified by:
        intoByteBuffer in class Vector<Double>
        bb - the byte buffer
        ix - the offset into the byte buffer
        m - the mask
      • addLanes

        public abstract double addLanes()
        Adds all lane elements of this vector.

        This is a cross-lane reduction operation which applies the addition operation (+) to lane elements, and the identity value is 0.0.

        The value of a floating-point sum is a function both of the input values as well as the order of addition operations. The order of addition operations of this method is intentionally not defined to allow for JVM to generate optimal machine code for the underlying platform at runtime. If the platform supports a vector instruction to add all values in the vector, or if there is some other efficient machine code sequence, then the JVM has the option of generating this machine code. Otherwise, the default implementation of adding vectors sequentially from left to right is used. For this reason, the output of this method may vary for the same input values.

        the addition of all the lane elements of this vector
      • addLanes

        public abstract double addLanes​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Adds all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a cross-lane reduction operation which applies the addition operation (+) to lane elements, and the identity value is 0.0.

        The value of a floating-point sum is a function both of the input values as well as the order of addition operations. The order of addition operations of this method is intentionally not defined to allow for JVM to generate optimal machine code for the underlying platform at runtime. If the platform supports a vector instruction to add all values in the vector, or if there is some other efficient machine code sequence, then the JVM has the option of generating this machine code. Otherwise, the default implementation of adding vectors sequentially from left to right is used. For this reason, the output of this method may vary on the same input values.

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the addition of the selected lane elements of this vector
      • mulLanes

        public abstract double mulLanes()
        Multiplies all lane elements of this vector.

        This is a cross-lane reduction operation which applies the multiplication operation (*) to lane elements, and the identity value is 1.0.

        The order of multiplication operations of this method is intentionally not defined to allow for JVM to generate optimal machine code for the underlying platform at runtime. If the platform supports a vector instruction to multiply all values in the vector, or if there is some other efficient machine code sequence, then the JVM has the option of generating this machine code. Otherwise, the default implementation of multiplying vectors sequentially from left to right is used. For this reason, the output of this method may vary on the same input values.

        the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector
      • mulLanes

        public abstract double mulLanes​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Multiplies all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is a cross-lane reduction operation which applies the multiplication operation (*) to lane elements, and the identity value is 1.0.

        The order of multiplication operations of this method is intentionally not defined to allow for JVM to generate optimal machine code for the underlying platform at runtime. If the platform supports a vector instruction to multiply all values in the vector, or if there is some other efficient machine code sequence, then the JVM has the option of generating this machine code. Otherwise, the default implementation of multiplying vectors sequentially from left to right is used. For this reason, the output of this method may vary on the same input values.

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector
      • minLanes

        public abstract double minLanes()
        Returns the minimum lane element of this vector.

        This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b) to lane elements, and the identity value is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

        the minimum lane element of this vector
      • minLanes

        public abstract double minLanes​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Returns the minimum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b) to lane elements, and the identity value is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the minimum lane element of this vector
      • maxLanes

        public abstract double maxLanes()
        Returns the maximum lane element of this vector.

        This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b) to lane elements, and the identity value is Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

        the maximum lane element of this vector
      • maxLanes

        public abstract double maxLanes​(VectorMask<Double> m)
        Returns the maximum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.

        This is an associative cross-lane reduction operation which applies the operation (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b) to lane elements, and the identity value is Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

        m - the mask controlling lane selection
        the maximum lane element of this vector
      • lane

        public abstract double lane​(int i)
        Gets the lane element at lane index i
        i - the lane index
        the lane element at lane index i
        IllegalArgumentException - if the index is is out of range (< 0 || >= length())
      • with

        public abstract DoubleVector with​(int i,
                                          double e)
        Replaces the lane element of this vector at lane index i with value e.

        This is a cross-lane operation and behaves as if it returns the result of blending this vector with an input vector that is the result of broadcasting e and a mask that has only one lane set at lane index i.

        i - the lane index of the lane element to be replaced
        e - the value to be placed
        the result of replacing the lane element of this vector at lane index i with value e.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the index is is out of range (< 0 || >= length())
      • toArray

        public final double[] toArray()
        Returns an array containing the lane elements of this vector.

        This method behaves as if it intoArray(double[], int) stores} this vector into an allocated array and returns the array as follows:

           double[] a = new double[this.length()];
           this.intoArray(a, 0);
           return a;
        an array containing the the lane elements of this vector
      • intoArray

        public abstract void intoArray​(double[] a,
                                       int offset)
        Stores this vector into an array starting at offset.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, the lane element at index N is stored into the array at index offset + N.

        a - the array
        offset - the offset into the array
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset < 0, or offset > a.length - this.length()
      • intoArray

        public abstract void intoArray​(double[] a,
                                       int offset,
                                       VectorMask<Double> m)
        Stores this vector into an array starting at offset and using a mask.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, if the mask lane at index N is set then the lane element at index N is stored into the array index offset + N.

        a - the array
        offset - the offset into the array
        m - the mask
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset < 0, or for any vector lane index N where the mask at lane N is set offset >= a.length - N
      • intoArray

        public abstract void intoArray​(double[] a,
                                       int a_offset,
                                       int[] indexMap,
                                       int i_offset)
        Stores this vector into an array using indexes obtained from an index map.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, the lane element at index N is stored into the array at index a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N].

        a - the array
        a_offset - the offset into the array, may be negative if relative indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the array bounds
        indexMap - the index map
        i_offset - the offset into the index map
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i_offset < 0, or i_offset > indexMap.length - this.length(), or for any vector lane index N the result of a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N] is < 0 or >= a.length
      • intoArray

        public abstract void intoArray​(double[] a,
                                       int a_offset,
                                       VectorMask<Double> m,
                                       int[] indexMap,
                                       int i_offset)
        Stores this vector into an array using indexes obtained from an index map and using a mask.

        For each vector lane, where N is the vector lane index, if the mask lane at index N is set then the lane element at index N is stored into the array at index a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N].

        a - the array
        a_offset - the offset into the array, may be negative if relative indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the array bounds
        m - the mask
        indexMap - the index map
        i_offset - the offset into the index map
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if j < 0, or i_offset > indexMap.length - this.length(), or for any vector lane index N where the mask at lane N is set the result of a_offset + indexMap[i_offset + N] is < 0 or >= a.length