This specification is not final and is subject to change. Use is subject tolicense terms

JSR 221 Maintenance Release
A B C D E F G H I J L N O P R S T U V 


abort() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Terminate this Connection.
ABORTING - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Work is neither queued nor performed.
activate() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Make this Connection ready for use.
apply(Function<? super Result.Count, ? extends T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.CountOperation
Sets the result processor for this Operation.
apply(Function<? super Result.Count, ? extends T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
apply(Function<Result.OutParameterMap, ? extends T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
apply(Function<Result.OutParameterMap, ? extends T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
Provide a processor that will handle the result of executing the SQL.
apply(Function<Result.OutParameterMap, ? extends T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
ARRAY - java.sql2.JdbcType
arrayCountOperation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Return a new ArrayCountOperation.
ArrayCountOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
A database operation that returns a count that is executed multiple times with multiple sets of parameter values in one database operation.
AS_NEW - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Caching
The returned Connection has no state other than that of a new Connection modified as specified by the other properties.


BIGINT - java.sql2.JdbcType
BINARY - java.sql2.JdbcType
BIT - java.sql2.JdbcType
BOOLEAN - java.sql2.JdbcType
build() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection.Builder
Return a Connection with the attributes specified.
build() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
Return a DataSource configured as specified.
build() - Method in interface java.sql2.ShardingKey.Builder
Returns an instance of the object defined by this builder.
builder() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource
Returns a Connection builder.
builder() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactory
Returns a new DataSource builder.


CACHED - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Caching
The returned Connection has the state specified by the other properties but may have additional state that differs from that of a new Connection.
CACHING - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
cancel() - Method in interface java.sql2.Result.Row
Terminate processing of the rows in this RowOperation.
cancel() - Method in interface java.sql2.Submission
Request that the Operation not be executed or that its execution be aborted if already begun.
CHAR - java.sql2.JdbcType
CLOB - java.sql2.JdbcType
close() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Create and submit an Operation to close this Connection.
close() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource
close() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
close() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
CLOSE_AT_COMMIT - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Holdability
CLOSED - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Work is neither queued nor performed.
closeOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Create an Operation to close this Connection.
closeOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return an Operation that will release the temporary resources associated with this SqlBlob.
closeOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return an Operation that will release the temporary resources associated with this SqlClob.
CLOSING - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Work in progress is completed but no additional work is started or queued.
collect(Collector<? super Result.Count, A, S>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Provides a Collector to reduce the sequence of Counts.The result of the Operation is the result of calling finisher on the final accumulated result.
collect(Collector<? super Result.Row, A, S>) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Provides a Collector to reduce the results of the member Operations.The result of this OperationGroup is the result of calling finisher on the final accumulated result.
collect(Collector<? super Result.Row, A, S>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
collect(Collector<? super Result.Row, A, S>) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowOperation
Provides a Collector to reduce the sequence of rows.The result of the Operation is the result of calling finisher on the final accumulated result.
commit() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Convenience method that submits an endTransaction Operation.
COMMIT - java.sql2.TransactionOutcome
The transaction committed successfully.
commitMaybeRollback(Transaction) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
commitMaybeRollback(Transaction) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Convenience method that creates and submits a endTransaction Operation that commits by default but can be set to rollback by calling Transaction.setRollbackOnly().
COMPLETE - java.sql2.Connection.Validation
everything that can be checked is working.
conditional(CompletionStage<Boolean>) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Define a condition that determines whether the member Operations of this OperationGroup are executed or not.
configureOperation(OperationGroup, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.ConnectionProperty
Returns an Operation that will configure the Connection to have the specified property value.
connect() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Convenience method that supports the fluent style of the builder needed by try with resources.
connect(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Convenience method that supports the fluent style of the builder needed by try with resources.
CONNECT_TIMEOUT - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
Connection - Interface in java.sql2
A Connection is an abstraction of a connection to a SQL database and a group of Operations to be executed by that SQL database.
Connection.Builder - Interface in java.sql2
A Connection builder.
Connection.ConnectionLifecycleListener - Interface in java.sql2
A Listener that is notified of changes in a Connection's lifecycle.
Connection.Lifecycle - Enum in java.sql2
Identifies the operational state of a Connection.
Connection.Validation - Enum in java.sql2
Specifiers for how much effort to put into validating a Connection.
connectionProperty(ConnectionProperty, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
Specify the value of a Connection property that will be set on all Connections produced by the built DataSource.
ConnectionProperty - Interface in java.sql2
An attribute of a Connection that can be configured to influence its behavior.
connectOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Returns an Operation that connects this Connection to a server.
countOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
Returns a CountOperation to process a count result.
countOperation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Return a new CountOperation.
CountOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
An Operation that returns a count.
CURSOR - java.sql2.JdbcType


DATALINK - java.sql2.JdbcType
DataSource - Interface in java.sql2
Uses the builder pattern to get a Connection.
DataSource.Builder - Interface in java.sql2
Instances of this type are used to build DataSources.
DataSourceFactory - Interface in java.sql2
This interface supports injecting a DataSourceFactory.
DataSourceFactoryAction - Interface in java.sql2
An interface that must be implemented when a DataSourceFactory wants to be notified by DataSourceFactory.class.
DATE - java.sql2.JdbcType
deactivate() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Makes this Connection inactive.
DECIMAL - java.sql2.JdbcType
defaultConnectionProperty(ConnectionProperty, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
Specify the value of a Connection property that will be set by default on all Connections produced by this DataSource.
defaultValue() - Method in interface java.sql2.ConnectionProperty
Return the value for this property to use if no other value is set.
defaultValue() - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
deregister() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactoryAction
Method called by DataSourceFactory.deregisterDataSourceFactory(DataSourceFactory) to notify the DataSourceFactory that it was de-registered.
deregisterDataSourceFactory(DataSourceFactory) - Static method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactory
Removes the specified factory from the list of registered factories.
DISTINCT - java.sql2.JdbcType
DOUBLE - java.sql2.JdbcType
dynamicMultiOperation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
DynamicMultiOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
A multi-operation is an Operation that returns one or more results in addition to the result defined by the Operation.


endTransactionOperation(Transaction) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Return an Operation that ends the database transaction.
executor(Executor) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection.Builder
Used to execute Operations created by this Connection.


fetch() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlRef
Submit an Operation that will fetch the value of the REF in the database.
fetchOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlRef
Create and return an Operation that will fetch the value of the REF from the database.
fetchSize(long) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
fetchSize(long) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowOperation
A hint to the implementation of how many rows to fetch in each database access.
FLOAT - java.sql2.JdbcType
forName(String) - Static method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactory
Uses SPI to find a DataSourceFactory with the requested name or null if one is not found.


get(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.Result.ResultMap
Return the value indicated by the id.
getCompletionStage() - Method in interface java.sql2.Submission
Returns a CompletionStage which value is the result of the Operation.
getConnection() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource
Returns a Connection that has a submitted connect Operation.
getConnection(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource
Returns a Connection that has a submitted connect Operation with an error handler.
getCount() - Method in interface java.sql2.Result.Count
getIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql2.Result.ResultMap
Returns a {@link String}[] that contains the identifiers that reference the values of this Result.ResultMap in the same order these values are returned by the database.
getLifecycle() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Return the current lifecycle of this Connection.
getName() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactory
Name by which this factory is registered.
getName() - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcType
getName() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlType
getPosition() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Get the position of this SqlBlob.
getPosition() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Get the position of this SqlClob.
getPosition() - Method in exception java.sql2.SqlException
Get the position.
getPositionOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Operation that fetches the position of this SqlBlob.
getPositionOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return a Operation that fetches the position of this SqlClob.
getProperties() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Return the set of properties configured on this Connection excepting any sensitive properties.
getReadChannel() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Channel that can be used to read bytes from the SqlBlob beginning at the position.
getReader() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Returns a Reader for the characters in this SqlClob.
getReferentTypeName() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlRef
Return the name of SQL type of the referent of this SQL REF.
getSqlState() - Method in exception java.sql2.SqlException
Retrieves the SqlState for this SqlException object.
getSqlString() - Method in exception java.sql2.SqlException
Get the sql.
getVendor() - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcType
getVendor() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlType
getVendorCode() - Method in exception java.sql2.SqlException
Retrieves the vendor-specific exception code for this SqlException object.
getVendorTypeNumber() - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcType
getVendorTypeNumber() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlType
getWriteChannel() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Channel that can be used to write bytes to this SqlBlob beginning at the position.
getWriter() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Returns a Writer for this SqlClob.


HOLD_OVER_COMMIT - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Holdability
HOLDABILITY - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
holdForMoreMembers() - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Mark this OperationGroup as held.


INACTIVE - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Not available for new work.
inactivityTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
DRAFT Sets the minimum time the Operation will wait for Processor activity before terminating.
independent() - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Mark this OperationGroup as independent.
INTEGER - java.sql2.JdbcType
isLast() - Method in interface java.sql2.Result.Row
Is this the last Result.Row of the row sequence.
isRollbackOnly() - Method in interface java.sql2.Transaction
Returns true iff the Transaction.setRollbackOnly() method has been called on this Transaction
isSensitive() - Method in interface java.sql2.ConnectionProperty
Returns true if this ConnectionProperty is contains sensitive information such as a password or encryption key.
isSensitive() - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty


JAVA_OBJECT - java.sql2.JdbcType
java.sql2 - package java.sql2
An API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source (usually a relational database) using the Java™ programming language.
JdbcConnectionProperty - Enum in java.sql2
A set of ConnectionProperty commonly supported.
JdbcConnectionProperty.Caching - Enum in java.sql2
JdbcConnectionProperty.Holdability - Enum in java.sql2
JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation - Enum in java.sql2
JdbcType - Enum in java.sql2
Remove dependence on java.sql.


length() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Get the length of this SqlBlob.
length() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Get the length of this SqlClob.
lengthOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Operation that fetches the length of this SqlBlob.
lengthOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return a Operation that fetches the length of this SqlClob.
lifecycleEvent(Connection, Connection.Lifecycle, Connection.Lifecycle) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection.ConnectionLifecycleListener
If this EventListener is registered with a Connection this method is called whenever that Connection's lifecycle changes.
LOCAL - java.sql2.Connection.Validation
Connection.Validation.NONE plus check local resources
localOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Return a LocalOperation.
LocalOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
An Operation that calls a user defined function when executed.
locate(byte[]) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locate(CharSequence) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locate(SqlBlob) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locate(SqlClob) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locateOperation(byte[]) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return an Operation to set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locateOperation(CharSequence) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return an Operation to set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locateOperation(SqlBlob) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Operation to set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
locateOperation(SqlClob) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return an Operation to set the position to the beginning of the next occurrence of the target after the position.
logger(Logger) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Supply a Logger for the implementation of this OperationGroup to use to log significant events.
LONGNVARCHAR - java.sql2.JdbcType
LONGVARBINARY - java.sql2.JdbcType
LONGVARCHAR - java.sql2.JdbcType


name() - Method in interface java.sql2.ConnectionProperty
Return the name of this ConnectionProperty.
NCHAR - java.sql2.JdbcType
NCLOB - java.sql2.JdbcType
NETWORK - java.sql2.Connection.Validation
Connection.Validation.SOCKET plus the network is intact (network PING)
NETWORK_TIMEOUT - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
NEW - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
NEW - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Caching
The returned Connection is required to be completely new and configured exactly as specified by the other properties.
NEW_INACTIVE - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Unconnected and inactive.
NONE - java.sql2.Connection.Validation
isValid fails only if the Connection is closed.
NONE - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
NULL - java.sql2.JdbcType
NUMERIC - java.sql2.JdbcType
NVARCHAR - java.sql2.JdbcType


onCount(BiConsumer<Integer, CountOperation<T>>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
Provides a handler for count results.
onError(BiConsumer<Integer, Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
Provides an error handler for this Operation.
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.CountOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
Provides an error handler for this Operation.
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.LocalOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.Operation
Provides an error handler for this Operation.
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
onError(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
onExecution(Callable<T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.LocalOperation
Provides a result processor for this Operation.
onRows(BiConsumer<Integer, RowOperation<T>>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
Provides a handler for row sequence results.
OPEN - java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
fully operational.
operation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Return a new Operation for a SQL that doesn't return any result, for example DDL.
Operation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
A description of some work to be done by the database and how to process the database output.
operationGroup() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Create a new OperationGroup for this Connection.
OperationGroup<S,T> - Interface in java.sql2
A set of Operations that share certain properties, are managed as a unit, and are executed as a unit.
operationProcessor() - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Returns a Flow.Processor that subscribes to a sequence of Operations and produces a sequence of corresponding Submissions.
OTHER - java.sql2.JdbcType
outOperation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Return a new OutOperation.
OutOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
An ParameterizedOperation for which the result is a set of out parameter values and/or function results.
outParameter(String, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
outParameter(String, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
Register an out parameter identified by the given id.
outParameter(String, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation


parallel() - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Mark this OperationGroup as parallel.
ParameterizedCountOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
ParameterizedOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
An Operation that has in parameters.
ParameterizedRowOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
An Operation that accepts parameters and processes a sequence of rows.
password(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
A convenience method for setting the JdbcConnectionProperty.PASSWORD.
PASSWORD - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
property(ConnectionProperty, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection.Builder
Specify a property and its value for the built Connection.


range() - Method in interface java.sql2.ConnectionProperty
Return the type of the value of this ConnectionProperty.
range() - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
READ_COMMITTED - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
READ_ONLY - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
READ_UNCOMMITTED - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
REAL - java.sql2.JdbcType
REF - java.sql2.JdbcType
REF_CURSOR - java.sql2.JdbcType
registerConnectionProperty(ConnectionProperty) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
Make a user defined property known to the implementation.
registerDataSourceFactory(DataSourceFactory) - Static method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactory
Registers the given factory with.
registerDataSourceFactory(DataSourceFactory, DataSourceFactoryAction) - Static method in interface java.sql2.DataSourceFactory
Registers the given factory with the DataSourceFactoryManager.
registerLifecycleListener(Connection.ConnectionLifecycleListener) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Register a listener that will be called whenever there is a change in the lifecycle of this Connection.
releaseProhibitingMoreMembers() - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
Allow this OperationGroup to be completed and removed from the queue once all of its member Operations have been completed.
removeLifecycleListener(Connection.ConnectionLifecycleListener) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Removes a listener that was registered by calling registerLifecycleListener.
REPEATABLE_READ - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
Result - Interface in java.sql2
All or part of the result of a database operation (lower case).
Result.Count - Interface in java.sql2
A Result that is just a number of rows modified, a Long.
Result.OutParameterMap - Interface in java.sql2
Used by OutOperation to expose the out parameters of a call.
Result.ResultMap - Interface in java.sql2
A Result where the components can be retrieved by name.
Result.Row - Interface in java.sql2
Used by RowOperation to expose each row of a row sequence.
returning(String...) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
Returns a RowOperation to process the auto-generated keys, if any, returned by this Operation.
rollback() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Create an endTransaction Operation, set it to rollback only, and submit it.
ROLLBACK - java.sql2.TransactionOutcome
The transaction rolled back successfully.
ROWID - java.sql2.JdbcType
rowNumber() - Method in interface java.sql2.Result.Row
The count of Result.Rows in the Result.Row sequence preceeding this Result.Row.
rowOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
Returns a RowOperation to process a row sequence result.
rowOperation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
RowOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
A RowOperation is a database operation that returns a row sequence.
rowProcessor(Flow.Processor<Result.Row, T>) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
DRAFT Accepts a Processor that subscribes to a stream of Rows and publishes a stream of result values.
RowProcessorOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2


SERIALIZABLE - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
SERVER - java.sql2.Connection.Validation
Connection.Validation.NETWORK plus significant server processes are running
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedOperation
Set a parameter value.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
set(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedOperation
Set a parameter value.
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
set(String, Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
set(String, CompletionStage) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Provide a source for a sequence of parameter values.
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedOperation
Set a parameter value to be the future value of a CompletionStage.
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Provide a source for a sequence of parameter values.
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedOperation
Set a parameter value to be the value of a CompletionStage.
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
set(String, CompletionStage<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
set(String, List<?>) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Set a sequence of parameter values.
set(String, List<?>, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Set a sequence of parameter values.
set(String, S[]) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Set a sequence of parameter values.
set(String, S[], SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
Set a sequence of parameter values.
setPosition(long) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Set the position of this SqlBlob.
setPosition(long) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Set the position of this SqlClob.
setPositionOperation(long) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Operation that sets the position of this SqlBlob.
setPositionOperation(long) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return an Operation that sets the position of this SqlClob.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in interface java.sql2.Transaction
Causes an endTransactionOperation created with this Transaction that is executed subsequent to this call to perform a rollback.
SHARDING_GROUP_KEY - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
SHARDING_KEY - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
ShardingKey - Interface in java.sql2
Interface used to indicate that this object represents a Sharding Key.
ShardingKey.Builder - Interface in java.sql2
A builder created from a DataSource or object, used to create a ShardingKey with sub-keys of supported data types.
shardingKeyBuilder() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
SMALLINT - java.sql2.JdbcType
SOCKET - java.sql2.Connection.Validation
Connection.Validation.LOCAL plus the server isn't obviously unreachable (dead socket)
SqlArray - Annotation Type in java.sql2
Identifies a type that represents an ARRAY SQL type.
SqlBlob - Interface in java.sql2
A reference to a BINARY LARGE OBJECT in the attached database.
SqlClob - Interface in java.sql2
A reference to a CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT in the attached database.
SqlColumns - Annotation Type in java.sql2
Identifies a constructor or static factory method that can be used to construct an instance of the containing type when the type is passed to Result.ResultMap.get(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<T>).
SqlException - Exception in java.sql2
An exception that provides information on a database access error or other errors.
SqlException(String, Throwable, String, int, String, int) - Constructor for exception java.sql2.SqlException
SqlParameter - Annotation Type in java.sql2
Identifies a method the result of which will be bound to a parameter in a SQL statement when an instance of the containing type is passed to ParameterizedOperation.set(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.sql2.SqlType).
SqlRef<T> - Interface in java.sql2
SqlSkippedException - Exception in java.sql2
A SqlException that is used to complete an Operation when that Operation is skipped.
SqlSkippedException(String, Throwable, String, int, String, int) - Constructor for exception java.sql2.SqlSkippedException
SqlStruct - Annotation Type in java.sql2
Identifies a type that represents a STRUCT SQL type.
SqlStruct.Field - Annotation Type in java.sql2
Describes a field of a SQL STRUCT type.
SqlType - Interface in java.sql2
Remove dependence on java.sql.
SQLXML - java.sql2.JdbcType
staticMultiOperation(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
StaticMultiOperation<T> - Interface in java.sql2
A multi-operation is an Operation that returns one or more results in addition to the result defined by the Operation.
store(T) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlRef
Submit an Operation that will store the new value of the referent into the REF in the database.
storeOperation(T) - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlRef
Create and return an Operation that will set the value of the REF in the database.
STRUCT - java.sql2.JdbcType
subkey(Object, SqlType) - Method in interface java.sql2.ShardingKey.Builder
This method will be called to add a subkey into a Sharding Key object being built.
Submission<T> - Interface in java.sql2
The result of submitting an Operation.
submit() - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
submit() - Method in interface java.sql2.Operation
Add this Operation to the tail of the Operation collection of the Connection that created this Operation.
supportedTranslateSqlFormats() - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource
Return a list of the source formats accepted by the DataSource.translateSql(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) method.


TIME - java.sql2.JdbcType
TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE - java.sql2.JdbcType
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.ArrayCountOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.CountOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.DynamicMultiOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.LocalOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.Operation
The minimum time before this Operation might be canceled automatically.
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.OperationGroup
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.OutOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedCountOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.ParameterizedRowOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.RowProcessorOperation
timeout(Duration) - Method in interface java.sql2.StaticMultiOperation
TIMESTAMP - java.sql2.JdbcType
TINYINT - java.sql2.JdbcType
transaction() - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Returns a new Transaction that can be used as an argument to a commit Operation.
Transaction - Interface in java.sql2
A mutable object that controls whether a transactionEnd Operation sends a database commit or a database rollback to the server.
TRANSACTION_ISOLATION - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
TransactionOutcome - Enum in java.sql2
Possible outcomes for a database transaction.
translateSql(String, String) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource
Translates a SQL string from the format specified by the format argument to a format that can be used to create Operations for the Connections provided by this DataSource.
trim() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Truncate this SqlBlob so that the current position is the end of the SqlBlob.
trim() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Truncate this SqlClob so that the current position is the end of the SqlClob.
trimOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlBlob
Return a Operation that truncates this SqlBlob so that the current position is the end of the SqlBlob.
trimOperation() - Method in interface java.sql2.SqlClob
Return an Operation that truncates this SqlClob so that the current position is the end of the SqlClob.


UNKNOWN - java.sql2.TransactionOutcome
The outcome of the transaction is unknown.
url(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
A convenience method for setting the JdbcConnectionProperty.URL.
URL - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
USER - java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
username(String) - Method in interface java.sql2.DataSource.Builder
A convenience method for setting the JdbcConnectionProperty.USER.


validate(Object) - Method in interface java.sql2.ConnectionProperty
Determine whether a value is valid for this ConnectionProperty.
validate(Object) - Method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
validate(Connection.Validation, Duration, Function<Throwable, Void>) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Convenience method to validate a Connection.
validationOperation(Connection.Validation) - Method in interface java.sql2.Connection
Returns an Operation that verifies that the resources are available and operational.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.Connection.Validation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Caching
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Holdability
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum java.sql2.TransactionOutcome
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.Connection.Lifecycle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.Connection.Validation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Caching
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.Holdability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty.TransactionIsolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcConnectionProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.JdbcType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum java.sql2.TransactionOutcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARBINARY - java.sql2.JdbcType
VARCHAR - java.sql2.JdbcType
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JSR 221 Maintenance Release

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