Module java.desktop

Class ColorType

  • public class ColorType
    extends Object
    A typesafe enumeration of colors that can be fetched from a style.

    Each SynthStyle has a set of ColorTypes that are accessed by way of the SynthStyle.getColor(SynthContext, ColorType) method. SynthStyle's installDefaults will install the FOREGROUND color as the foreground of the Component, and the BACKGROUND color to the background of the component (assuming that you have not explicitly specified a foreground and background color). Some components support more color based properties, for example JList has the property selectionForeground which will be mapped to FOREGROUND with a component state of SynthConstants.SELECTED.

    The following example shows a custom SynthStyle that returns a red Color for the DISABLED state, otherwise a black color.

     class MyStyle extends SynthStyle {
         private Color disabledColor = new ColorUIResource(Color.RED);
         private Color color = new ColorUIResource(Color.BLACK);
         protected Color getColorForState(SynthContext context, ColorType type){
             if (context.getComponentState() == SynthConstants.DISABLED) {
                 return disabledColor;
             return color;
    • Field Detail


        public static final ColorType FOREGROUND
        ColorType for the foreground of a region.

        public static final ColorType BACKGROUND
        ColorType for the background of a region.

        public static final ColorType TEXT_FOREGROUND
        ColorType for the foreground of a region.

        public static final ColorType TEXT_BACKGROUND
        ColorType for the background of a region.
      • FOCUS

        public static final ColorType FOCUS
        ColorType for the focus.
      • MAX_COUNT

        public static final int MAX_COUNT
        Maximum number of ColorTypes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColorType

        protected ColorType​(String description)
        Creates a new ColorType with the specified description.
        description - String description of the ColorType.
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public final int getID​()
        Returns a unique id, as an integer, for this ColorType.
        a unique id, as an integer, for this ColorType.
      • toString

        public String toString​()
        Returns the textual description of this ColorType. This is the same value that the ColorType was created with.
        toString in class Object
        the description of the string