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  34  *
  35  * Usage and arguments:
  36  *  - Run with no argument skips the whole benchmark and exits.
  37  *  - Run with "-help" as first argument calls the usage() method and exits.
  38  *  - Run with "-doit" runs the benchmark with summary details.
  39  *  - Run with "-verbose" provides additional details on the run.
  40  *
  41  * Example run :
  42  *   java -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m FormatMicroBenchmark -doit -verbose
  43  *
  44  * Running with jtreg:
  45  *  The jtreg header "run" tag options+args must be changed to avoid skipping
  46  *  the execution. here is an example of run options:
  47  *  "main/othervm -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m FormatMicroBenchmark -doit"
  48  *
  49  * Note:
  50  *  - Vm options -Xms, -Xmx, -XX:NewSize must be set correctly for
  51  *    getting reliable numbers. Otherwise GC activity may corrupt results.
  52  *    As of jdk80b48 using "-Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m" covers
  53  *    all cases.
  54  *  - Optionally using "-XX:+printGC" option provides information that
  55  *    helps checking any GC activity while benches are run.
  56  *
  57  * Vm Options:
  58  *  - Vm options to use (as of jdk80b48):
  59  *     fast-path case :     -Xms128m -Xmx128m -XX:NewSize=100m
  60  *     non fast-path case:  -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m
  61  *    or use worst case (non fast-path above) with both types of algorithm.
  62  *
  63  *  - use -XX:+PrintGC to verify memory consumption of the benchmarks.
  64  *    (See "Checking Memory Consumption" below).
  65  *
  66  * Description:
  67  *
  68  *  Fast-path algorithm for format(double...)  call stack is very different  of
  69  *  the standard call stack. Where the  standard algorithm for formating double
  70  *  uses internal class sun.misc.FloatingDecimal and its dtoa(double) method to
  71  *  provide digits,  fast-path embeds its own  algorithm for  binary to decimal
  72  *  string conversion.
  73  *
  74  *  FloatingDecimal always converts completely  the passed double to  a string.
  75  *  Fast-path converts  only to the needed digits  since it follows constraints
  76  *  on both the pattern rule,  the  DecimalFormat instance properties, and  the
  77  *  passed double.
  78  *
  79  *  Micro benchmarks below measure  the throughput for formating double  values
  80  *  using NumberFormat.format(double)  call stack.  The  standard DecimalFormat
  81  *  call stack as well as the  fast-path algorithm implementation are sensitive
  82  *  to the nature of the passed double values regarding throughput performance.
  83  *

 149  *  first three runs are taken into account in the time measurement (server jit
 150  *  compiler shows  to have  done full  optimization  in  most cases  after the
 151  *  second run, given a base number of iterations set to 500000).
 152  *
 153  *  The program cleans up memory (stabilizeMemory() method) between each run of
 154  *  the benchmarks to make sure that  no garbage collection activity happens in
 155  *  measurements. However that does not  preclude incremental GCs activity that
 156  *  may  happen during the micro-benchmark if  -Xms, -Xmx, and NewSize options
 157  *  have not been tuned and set correctly.
 158  *
 159  * Checking Memory Consumption:
 160  *
 161  *  For getting confidence  in the throughput numbers, there  must not give any
 162  *  GC activity during the benchmark runs. That  means that specific VM options
 163  *  related to memory must be tuned for any given implementation of the JDK.
 164  *
 165  *  Running with "-verbose" arguments will provide  clues of the memory consumed
 166  *  but  is   not enough,  since  any   unexpected  incremental  GC  may  lower
 167  *  artificially the estimation of the memory consumption.
 168  *
 169  *  Options to  set are -Xms, -Xmx,  -XX:NewSize, plus -XX:+PrintGC to evaluate
 170  *  correctly  the  values of  these options. When  running "-verbose", varying
 171  *  numbers reported for memory consumption may  indicate bad choices for these
 172  *  options.
 173  *
 174  *  For jdk80b25, fast-path shows a consuption of ~60Mbs for 500000 iterations
 175  *  while a jdk without fast-path will consume ~260Mbs for each benchmark run.
 176  *  Indeed these values will vary depending on the jdk used.
 177  *
 178  *  Correct option settings found jdk80b48 were :
 179  *     fast-path :     -Xms128m -Xmx128m -XX:NewSize=100m
 180  *     non fast-path : -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m
 181  *  Greater values can be provided safely but not smaller ones.
 182  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 183  */
 185 import java.util.*;
 186 import java.text.NumberFormat;
 187 import java.text.DecimalFormat;
 189 public class FormatMicroBenchmark {

 200     // Should we really execute the benches ? (no by default).
 201     private static boolean DoIt = false;
 203     // Prints out a message describing how to run the program.
 204     private static void usage() {
 205         System.out.println(
 206             "This is a set of micro-benchmarks testing throughput of " +
 207             "java.text.DecimalFormat.format(). It never fails.\n\n" +
 208             "Usage and arguments:\n" +
 209             " - Run with no argument skips the whole benchmark and exits.\n" +
 210             " - Run with \"-help\" as first argument prints this message and exits.\n" +
 211             " - Run with \"-doit\" runs the benchmark with summary details.\n" +
 212             " - Run with \"-verbose\" provides additional details on the run.\n\n" +
 213             "Example run :\n" +
 214             "   java -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m FormatMicroBenchmark -doit -verbose\n\n" +
 215             "Note: \n" +
 216             " - Vm options -Xms, -Xmx, -XX:NewSize must be set correctly for \n" +
 217             "   getting reliable numbers. Otherwise GC activity may corrupt results.\n" +
 218             "   As of jdk80b48 using \"-Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m\" covers \n" +
 219             "   all cases.\n" +
 220             " - Optionally using \"-XX:+printGC\" option provides information that \n" +
 221             "   helps checking any GC activity while benches are run.\n\n" +
 222             "Look at the heading comments and description in source code for " +
 223             "detailed information.\n");
 224     }
 226     /* We will call stabilizeMemory before each call of benchFormat***().
 227      * This in turn tries to clean up as much memory as possible.
 228      * As a safe bound we limit number of System.gc() calls to 10,
 229      * but most of the time two calls to System.gc() will be enough.
 230      * If memory reporting is asked for, the method returns the difference
 231      * of free memory between entering an leaving the method.
 232      */
 233     private static long stabilizeMemory(boolean reportConsumedMemory) {
 234         final long oneMegabyte = 1024L * 1024L;
 236         long refMemory = 0;
 237         long initialMemoryLeft = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
 238         long currMemoryLeft = initialMemoryLeft;
 239         int nbGCCalls = 0;

  34  *
  35  * Usage and arguments:
  36  *  - Run with no argument skips the whole benchmark and exits.
  37  *  - Run with "-help" as first argument calls the usage() method and exits.
  38  *  - Run with "-doit" runs the benchmark with summary details.
  39  *  - Run with "-verbose" provides additional details on the run.
  40  *
  41  * Example run :
  42  *   java -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m FormatMicroBenchmark -doit -verbose
  43  *
  44  * Running with jtreg:
  45  *  The jtreg header "run" tag options+args must be changed to avoid skipping
  46  *  the execution. here is an example of run options:
  47  *  "main/othervm -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m FormatMicroBenchmark -doit"
  48  *
  49  * Note:
  50  *  - Vm options -Xms, -Xmx, -XX:NewSize must be set correctly for
  51  *    getting reliable numbers. Otherwise GC activity may corrupt results.
  52  *    As of jdk80b48 using "-Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m" covers
  53  *    all cases.
  54  *  - Optionally using "-Xlog:gc" option provides information that
  55  *    helps checking any GC activity while benches are run.
  56  *
  57  * Vm Options:
  58  *  - Vm options to use (as of jdk80b48):
  59  *     fast-path case :     -Xms128m -Xmx128m -XX:NewSize=100m
  60  *     non fast-path case:  -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m
  61  *    or use worst case (non fast-path above) with both types of algorithm.
  62  *
  63  *  - use -Xlog:gc to verify memory consumption of the benchmarks.
  64  *    (See "Checking Memory Consumption" below).
  65  *
  66  * Description:
  67  *
  68  *  Fast-path algorithm for format(double...)  call stack is very different  of
  69  *  the standard call stack. Where the  standard algorithm for formating double
  70  *  uses internal class sun.misc.FloatingDecimal and its dtoa(double) method to
  71  *  provide digits,  fast-path embeds its own  algorithm for  binary to decimal
  72  *  string conversion.
  73  *
  74  *  FloatingDecimal always converts completely  the passed double to  a string.
  75  *  Fast-path converts  only to the needed digits  since it follows constraints
  76  *  on both the pattern rule,  the  DecimalFormat instance properties, and  the
  77  *  passed double.
  78  *
  79  *  Micro benchmarks below measure  the throughput for formating double  values
  80  *  using NumberFormat.format(double)  call stack.  The  standard DecimalFormat
  81  *  call stack as well as the  fast-path algorithm implementation are sensitive
  82  *  to the nature of the passed double values regarding throughput performance.
  83  *

 149  *  first three runs are taken into account in the time measurement (server jit
 150  *  compiler shows  to have  done full  optimization  in  most cases  after the
 151  *  second run, given a base number of iterations set to 500000).
 152  *
 153  *  The program cleans up memory (stabilizeMemory() method) between each run of
 154  *  the benchmarks to make sure that  no garbage collection activity happens in
 155  *  measurements. However that does not  preclude incremental GCs activity that
 156  *  may  happen during the micro-benchmark if  -Xms, -Xmx, and NewSize options
 157  *  have not been tuned and set correctly.
 158  *
 159  * Checking Memory Consumption:
 160  *
 161  *  For getting confidence  in the throughput numbers, there  must not give any
 162  *  GC activity during the benchmark runs. That  means that specific VM options
 163  *  related to memory must be tuned for any given implementation of the JDK.
 164  *
 165  *  Running with "-verbose" arguments will provide  clues of the memory consumed
 166  *  but  is   not enough,  since  any   unexpected  incremental  GC  may  lower
 167  *  artificially the estimation of the memory consumption.
 168  *
 169  *  Options to  set are -Xms, -Xmx,  -XX:NewSize, plus -Xlog:gc to evaluate
 170  *  correctly  the  values of  these options. When  running "-verbose", varying
 171  *  numbers reported for memory consumption may  indicate bad choices for these
 172  *  options.
 173  *
 174  *  For jdk80b25, fast-path shows a consuption of ~60Mbs for 500000 iterations
 175  *  while a jdk without fast-path will consume ~260Mbs for each benchmark run.
 176  *  Indeed these values will vary depending on the jdk used.
 177  *
 178  *  Correct option settings found jdk80b48 were :
 179  *     fast-path :     -Xms128m -Xmx128m -XX:NewSize=100m
 180  *     non fast-path : -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m
 181  *  Greater values can be provided safely but not smaller ones.
 182  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 183  */
 185 import java.util.*;
 186 import java.text.NumberFormat;
 187 import java.text.DecimalFormat;
 189 public class FormatMicroBenchmark {

 200     // Should we really execute the benches ? (no by default).
 201     private static boolean DoIt = false;
 203     // Prints out a message describing how to run the program.
 204     private static void usage() {
 205         System.out.println(
 206             "This is a set of micro-benchmarks testing throughput of " +
 207             "java.text.DecimalFormat.format(). It never fails.\n\n" +
 208             "Usage and arguments:\n" +
 209             " - Run with no argument skips the whole benchmark and exits.\n" +
 210             " - Run with \"-help\" as first argument prints this message and exits.\n" +
 211             " - Run with \"-doit\" runs the benchmark with summary details.\n" +
 212             " - Run with \"-verbose\" provides additional details on the run.\n\n" +
 213             "Example run :\n" +
 214             "   java -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m FormatMicroBenchmark -doit -verbose\n\n" +
 215             "Note: \n" +
 216             " - Vm options -Xms, -Xmx, -XX:NewSize must be set correctly for \n" +
 217             "   getting reliable numbers. Otherwise GC activity may corrupt results.\n" +
 218             "   As of jdk80b48 using \"-Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:NewSize=400m\" covers \n" +
 219             "   all cases.\n" +
 220             " - Optionally using \"-Xlog:gc\" option provides information that \n" +
 221             "   helps checking any GC activity while benches are run.\n\n" +
 222             "Look at the heading comments and description in source code for " +
 223             "detailed information.\n");
 224     }
 226     /* We will call stabilizeMemory before each call of benchFormat***().
 227      * This in turn tries to clean up as much memory as possible.
 228      * As a safe bound we limit number of System.gc() calls to 10,
 229      * but most of the time two calls to System.gc() will be enough.
 230      * If memory reporting is asked for, the method returns the difference
 231      * of free memory between entering an leaving the method.
 232      */
 233     private static long stabilizeMemory(boolean reportConsumedMemory) {
 234         final long oneMegabyte = 1024L * 1024L;
 236         long refMemory = 0;
 237         long initialMemoryLeft = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
 238         long currMemoryLeft = initialMemoryLeft;
 239         int nbGCCalls = 0;

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