Class Animation

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Timeline, Transition

    public abstract class Animation
    extends Object
    The class Animation provides the core functionality of all animations used in the JavaFX runtime.

    An animation can run in a loop by setting cycleCount. To make an animation run back and forth while looping, set the autoReverse -flag.

    Call play() or playFromStart() to play an Animation . The Animation progresses in the direction and speed specified by rate, and stops when its duration is elapsed. An Animation with indefinite duration (a cycleCount of INDEFINITE) runs repeatedly until the stop() method is explicitly called, which will stop the running Animation and reset its play head to the initial position.

    An Animation can be paused by calling pause(), and the next play() call will resume the Animation from where it was paused.

    An Animation's play head can be randomly positioned, whether it is running or not. If the Animation is running, the play head jumps to the specified position immediately and continues playing from new position. If the Animation is not running, the next play() will start the Animation from the specified position.

    Inverting the value of rate toggles the play direction.

    JavaFX 2.0
    See Also:
    Timeline, Transition
    • Property Detail

      • rate

        public final DoubleProperty rateProperty
        Defines the direction/speed at which the Animation is expected to be played.

        The absolute value of rate indicates the speed which the Animation is to be played, while the sign of rate indicates the direction. A positive value of rate indicates forward play, a negative value indicates backward play and 0.0 to stop a running Animation.

        Rate 1.0 is normal play, 2.0 is 2 time normal, -1.0 is backwards, etc...

        Inverting the rate of a running Animation will cause the Animation to reverse direction in place and play back over the portion of the Animation that has already elapsed.

        Default value:
        See Also:
        getRate(), setRate(double)
      • currentRate

        public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty currentRateProperty
        Read-only variable to indicate current direction/speed at which the Animation is being played.

        currentRate is not necessary equal to rate. currentRate is set to 0.0 when animation is paused or stopped. currentRate may also point to different direction during reverse cycles when autoReverse is true

        Default value:
        See Also:
      • totalDuration

        public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Duration> totalDurationProperty
        Read-only variable to indicate the total duration of this Animation, including repeats. A Animation with a cycleCount of Animation.INDEFINITE will have a totalDuration of Duration.INDEFINITE.

        This is set to cycleDuration * cycleCount.

        Default value:
        See Also:
      • cycleCount

        public final IntegerProperty cycleCountProperty
        Defines the number of cycles in this animation. The cycleCount may be INDEFINITE for animations that repeat indefinitely, but must otherwise be > 0.

        It is not possible to change the cycleCount of a running Animation. If the value of cycleCount is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

        Default value:
        See Also:
        getCycleCount(), setCycleCount(int)
      • autoReverse

        public final BooleanProperty autoReverseProperty
        Defines whether this Animation reverses direction on alternating cycles. If true, the Animation will proceed forward on the first cycle, then reverses on the second cycle, and so on. Otherwise, animation will loop such that each cycle proceeds forward from the start. It is not possible to change the autoReverse flag of a running Animation. If the value of autoReverse is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.
        Default value:
        See Also:
        isAutoReverse(), setAutoReverse(boolean)
    • Field Detail


        public static final int INDEFINITE
        Used to specify an animation that repeats indefinitely, until the stop() method is called.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Animation

        protected Animation​(double targetFramerate)
        The constructor of Animation. This constructor allows to define a target framerate.
        targetFramerate - The custom target frame rate for this Animation
        See Also:
      • Animation

        protected Animation​()
        The constructor of Animation.
    • Method Detail

      • setRate

        public final void setRate​(double value)
        Sets the value of the property rate.
        Property description:
        Defines the direction/speed at which the Animation is expected to be played.

        The absolute value of rate indicates the speed which the Animation is to be played, while the sign of rate indicates the direction. A positive value of rate indicates forward play, a negative value indicates backward play and 0.0 to stop a running Animation.

        Rate 1.0 is normal play, 2.0 is 2 time normal, -1.0 is backwards, etc...

        Inverting the rate of a running Animation will cause the Animation to reverse direction in place and play back over the portion of the Animation that has already elapsed.

        Default value:
      • getRate

        public final double getRate​()
        Gets the value of the property rate.
        Property description:
        Defines the direction/speed at which the Animation is expected to be played.

        The absolute value of rate indicates the speed which the Animation is to be played, while the sign of rate indicates the direction. A positive value of rate indicates forward play, a negative value indicates backward play and 0.0 to stop a running Animation.

        Rate 1.0 is normal play, 2.0 is 2 time normal, -1.0 is backwards, etc...

        Inverting the rate of a running Animation will cause the Animation to reverse direction in place and play back over the portion of the Animation that has already elapsed.

        Default value:
      • rateProperty

        public final DoubleProperty rateProperty​()
        Defines the direction/speed at which the Animation is expected to be played.

        The absolute value of rate indicates the speed which the Animation is to be played, while the sign of rate indicates the direction. A positive value of rate indicates forward play, a negative value indicates backward play and 0.0 to stop a running Animation.

        Rate 1.0 is normal play, 2.0 is 2 time normal, -1.0 is backwards, etc...

        Inverting the rate of a running Animation will cause the Animation to reverse direction in place and play back over the portion of the Animation that has already elapsed.

        Default value:
        See Also:
        getRate(), setRate(double)
      • getCurrentRate

        public final double getCurrentRate​()
        Gets the value of the property currentRate.
        Property description:
        Read-only variable to indicate current direction/speed at which the Animation is being played.

        currentRate is not necessary equal to rate. currentRate is set to 0.0 when animation is paused or stopped. currentRate may also point to different direction during reverse cycles when autoReverse is true

        Default value:
      • currentRateProperty

        public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty currentRateProperty​()
        Read-only variable to indicate current direction/speed at which the Animation is being played.

        currentRate is not necessary equal to rate. currentRate is set to 0.0 when animation is paused or stopped. currentRate may also point to different direction during reverse cycles when autoReverse is true

        Default value:
        See Also:
      • setCycleDuration

        protected final void setCycleDuration​(Duration value)
        Sets the value of the property cycleDuration.
        Property description:
        Read-only variable to indicate the duration of one cycle of this Animation: the time it takes to play from time 0 to the end of the Animation (at the default rate of 1.0).
        Default value:
      • getCycleDuration

        public final Duration getCycleDuration​()
        Gets the value of the property cycleDuration.
        Property description:
        Read-only variable to indicate the duration of one cycle of this Animation: the time it takes to play from time 0 to the end of the Animation (at the default rate of 1.0).
        Default value:
      • getTotalDuration

        public final Duration getTotalDuration​()
        Gets the value of the property totalDuration.
        Property description:
        Read-only variable to indicate the total duration of this Animation, including repeats. A Animation with a cycleCount of Animation.INDEFINITE will have a totalDuration of Duration.INDEFINITE.

        This is set to cycleDuration * cycleCount.

        Default value:
      • totalDurationProperty

        public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Duration> totalDurationProperty​()
        Read-only variable to indicate the total duration of this Animation, including repeats. A Animation with a cycleCount of Animation.INDEFINITE will have a totalDuration of Duration.INDEFINITE.

        This is set to cycleDuration * cycleCount.

        Default value:
        See Also:
      • getCurrentTime

        public final Duration getCurrentTime​()
        Gets the value of the property currentTime.
        Property description:
        Defines the Animation's play head position.
        Default value:
      • setDelay

        public final void setDelay​(Duration value)
        Sets the value of the property delay.
        Property description:
        Delays the start of an animation. Cannot be negative. Setting to a negative number will result in IllegalArgumentException.
        Default value:
      • getDelay

        public final Duration getDelay​()
        Gets the value of the property delay.
        Property description:
        Delays the start of an animation. Cannot be negative. Setting to a negative number will result in IllegalArgumentException.
        Default value:
      • setCycleCount

        public final void setCycleCount​(int value)
        Sets the value of the property cycleCount.
        Property description:
        Defines the number of cycles in this animation. The cycleCount may be INDEFINITE for animations that repeat indefinitely, but must otherwise be > 0.

        It is not possible to change the cycleCount of a running Animation. If the value of cycleCount is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

        Default value:
      • getCycleCount

        public final int getCycleCount​()
        Gets the value of the property cycleCount.
        Property description:
        Defines the number of cycles in this animation. The cycleCount may be INDEFINITE for animations that repeat indefinitely, but must otherwise be > 0.

        It is not possible to change the cycleCount of a running Animation. If the value of cycleCount is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

        Default value:
      • cycleCountProperty

        public final IntegerProperty cycleCountProperty​()
        Defines the number of cycles in this animation. The cycleCount may be INDEFINITE for animations that repeat indefinitely, but must otherwise be > 0.

        It is not possible to change the cycleCount of a running Animation. If the value of cycleCount is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

        Default value:
        See Also:
        getCycleCount(), setCycleCount(int)
      • setAutoReverse

        public final void setAutoReverse​(boolean value)
        Sets the value of the property autoReverse.
        Property description:
        Defines whether this Animation reverses direction on alternating cycles. If true, the Animation will proceed forward on the first cycle, then reverses on the second cycle, and so on. Otherwise, animation will loop such that each cycle proceeds forward from the start. It is not possible to change the autoReverse flag of a running Animation. If the value of autoReverse is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.
        Default value:
      • isAutoReverse

        public final boolean isAutoReverse​()
        Gets the value of the property autoReverse.
        Property description:
        Defines whether this Animation reverses direction on alternating cycles. If true, the Animation will proceed forward on the first cycle, then reverses on the second cycle, and so on. Otherwise, animation will loop such that each cycle proceeds forward from the start. It is not possible to change the autoReverse flag of a running Animation. If the value of autoReverse is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.
        Default value:
      • autoReverseProperty

        public final BooleanProperty autoReverseProperty​()
        Defines whether this Animation reverses direction on alternating cycles. If true, the Animation will proceed forward on the first cycle, then reverses on the second cycle, and so on. Otherwise, animation will loop such that each cycle proceeds forward from the start. It is not possible to change the autoReverse flag of a running Animation. If the value of autoReverse is changed for a running Animation, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.
        Default value:
        See Also:
        isAutoReverse(), setAutoReverse(boolean)
      • getTargetFramerate

        public final double getTargetFramerate​()
        The target framerate is the maximum framerate at which this Animation will run, in frames per second. This can be used, for example, to keep particularly complex Animations from over-consuming system resources. By default, an Animation's framerate is not explicitly limited, meaning the Animation will run at an optimal framerate for the underlying platform.
        the target framerate
      • setOnFinished

        public final void setOnFinished​(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value)
        Sets the value of the property onFinished.
        Property description:
        The action to be executed at the conclusion of this Animation.
        Default value:
      • getOnFinished

        public final EventHandler<ActionEvent> getOnFinished​()
        Gets the value of the property onFinished.
        Property description:
        The action to be executed at the conclusion of this Animation.
        Default value:
      • getCuePoints

        public final ObservableMap<String,Duration> getCuePoints​()
        The cue points can be used to mark important positions of the Animation. Once a cue point was defined, it can be used as an argument of jumpTo() and playFrom() to move to the associated position quickly.

        Every Animation has two predefined cue points "start" and "end", which are set at the start respectively the end of the Animation. The predefined cuepoints do not appear in the map, attempts to override them have no effect.

        Another option to define a cue point in a Animation is to set the name property of a KeyFrame.

        ObservableMap of cue points
      • jumpTo

        public void jumpTo​(String cuePoint)
        Jumps to a predefined position in this Animation. This method looks for an entry in cue points and jumps to the associated position, if it finds one.

        If the cue point is behind the end of this Animation, calling jumpTo will result in a jump to the end. If the cue point has a negative Duration it will result in a jump to the beginning. If the cue point has a value of Duration.UNKNOWN calling jumpTo will have no effect for this cue point.

        There are two predefined cue points "start" and "end" which are defined to be at the start respectively the end of this Animation.

        cuePoint - the name of the cue point
        NullPointerException - if cuePoint is null
        IllegalStateException - if embedded in another animation, such as SequentialTransition or ParallelTransition
        See Also:
      • playFrom

        public void playFrom​(String cuePoint)
        A convenience method to play this Animation from a predefined position. The position has to be predefined in cue points. Calling this method is equivalent to
        Note that unlike playFromStart() calling this method will not change the playing direction of this Animation.
        cuePoint - name of the cue point
        NullPointerException - if cuePoint is null
        IllegalStateException - if embedded in another animation, such as SequentialTransition or ParallelTransition
        See Also:
      • play

        public void play​()
        Plays Animation from current position in the direction indicated by rate. If the Animation is running, it has no effect.

        When rate > 0 (forward play), if an Animation is already positioned at the end, the first cycle will not be played, it is considered to have already finished. This also applies to a backward ( rate < 0) cycle if an Animation is positioned at the beginning. However, if the Animation has cycleCount > 1, following cycle(s) will be played as usual.

        When the Animation reaches the end, the Animation is stopped and the play head remains at the end.

        To play an Animation backwards from the end:
        animation.setRate(negative rate);
        animation.jumpTo(overall duration of animation);;


        • play() is an asynchronous call, the Animation may not start immediately.
        IllegalStateException - if embedded in another animation, such as SequentialTransition or ParallelTransition
      • playFromStart

        public void playFromStart​()
        Plays an Animation from initial position in forward direction.

        It is equivalent to

        animation.setRate = setRate(Math.abs(animation.getRate()));


        • playFromStart() is an asynchronous call, Animation may not start immediately.

        IllegalStateException - if embedded in another animation, such as SequentialTransition or ParallelTransition
      • stop

        public void stop​()
        Stops the animation and resets the play head to its initial position. If the animation is not currently running, this method has no effect.


        • stop() is an asynchronous call, the Animation may not stop immediately.
        IllegalStateException - if embedded in another animation, such as SequentialTransition or ParallelTransition
      • pause

        public void pause​()
        Pauses the animation. If the animation is not currently running, this method has no effect.


        • pause() is an asynchronous call, the Animation may not pause immediately.
        IllegalStateException - if embedded in another animation, such as SequentialTransition or ParallelTransition