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*** 4,20 **** * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software. * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php */ ! package jline.console.internal; ! import jline.console.ConsoleReader; ! import jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter; ! import jline.console.completer.Completer; ! import jline.console.history.FileHistory; ! import jline.internal.Configuration; import java.io.File; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; --- 4,20 ---- * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software. * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php */ ! package jdk.internal.jline.console.internal; ! import jdk.internal.jline.console.ConsoleReader; ! import jdk.internal.jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter; ! import jdk.internal.jline.console.completer.Completer; ! import jdk.internal.jline.console.history.FileHistory; ! import jdk.internal.jline.internal.Configuration; import java.io.File; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays;
*** 35,45 **** public static final String property = "jline.history"; // FIXME: This is really ugly... re-write this public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { ! List<String> argList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(args)); if (argList.size() == 0) { usage(); return; } --- 35,45 ---- public static final String property = "jline.history"; // FIXME: This is really ugly... re-write this public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { ! List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(args)); if (argList.size() == 0) { usage(); return; }
*** 70,81 **** } ConsoleReaderInputStream.setIn(reader); try { ! Class type = Class.forName(mainClass); ! Method method = type.getMethod("main", new Class[]{String[].class}); method.invoke(null); } finally { // just in case this main method is called from another program ConsoleReaderInputStream.restoreIn(); --- 70,81 ---- } ConsoleReaderInputStream.setIn(reader); try { ! Class<?> type = Class.forName(mainClass); ! Method method = type.getMethod("main", String[].class); method.invoke(null); } finally { // just in case this main method is called from another program ConsoleReaderInputStream.restoreIn();
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