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 128  */
 129 public class Modules extends JCTree.Visitor {
 130     private static final String ALL_SYSTEM = "ALL-SYSTEM";
 131     private static final String ALL_MODULE_PATH = "ALL-MODULE-PATH";
 133     private final Log log;
 134     private final Names names;
 135     private final Symtab syms;
 136     private final Attr attr;
 137     private final Check chk;
 138     private final DeferredLintHandler deferredLintHandler;
 139     private final TypeEnvs typeEnvs;
 140     private final Types types;
 141     private final JavaFileManager fileManager;
 142     private final ModuleFinder moduleFinder;
 143     private final Source source;
 144     private final boolean allowModules;
 146     public final boolean multiModuleMode;
 148     private final String moduleOverride;
 150     private final Name java_se;
 151     private final Name java_;
 153     ModuleSymbol defaultModule;
 155     private final String addExportsOpt;
 156     private Map<ModuleSymbol, Set<ExportsDirective>> addExports;
 157     private final String addReadsOpt;
 158     private Map<ModuleSymbol, Set<RequiresDirective>> addReads;
 159     private final String addModsOpt;
 160     private final Set<String> extraAddMods = new HashSet<>();
 161     private final String limitModsOpt;
 162     private final Set<String> extraLimitMods = new HashSet<>();
 163     private final String moduleVersionOpt;
 165     private final boolean lintOptions;
 167     private Set<ModuleSymbol> rootModules = null;
 168     private final Set<ModuleSymbol> warnedMissing = new HashSet<>();

 175     }
 177     protected Modules(Context context) {
 178         context.put(Modules.class, this);
 179         log = Log.instance(context);
 180         names = Names.instance(context);
 181         syms = Symtab.instance(context);
 182         attr = Attr.instance(context);
 183         chk = Check.instance(context);
 184         deferredLintHandler = DeferredLintHandler.instance(context);
 185         typeEnvs = TypeEnvs.instance(context);
 186         moduleFinder = ModuleFinder.instance(context);
 187         types = Types.instance(context);
 188         fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class);
 189         source = Source.instance(context);
 190         allowModules = source.allowModules();
 191         Options options = Options.instance(context);
 193         lintOptions = options.isUnset(Option.XLINT_CUSTOM, "-" + LintCategory.OPTIONS.option);
 195         moduleOverride = options.get(Option.XMODULE);
 197         multiModuleMode = fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH);
 198         ClassWriter classWriter = ClassWriter.instance(context);
 199         classWriter.multiModuleMode = multiModuleMode;
 200         JNIWriter jniWriter = JNIWriter.instance(context);
 201         jniWriter.multiModuleMode = multiModuleMode;
 203         java_se = names.fromString("java.se");
 204         java_ = names.fromString("java.");
 206         addExportsOpt = options.get(Option.ADD_EXPORTS);
 207         addReadsOpt = options.get(Option.ADD_READS);
 208         addModsOpt = options.get(Option.ADD_MODULES);
 209         limitModsOpt = options.get(Option.LIMIT_MODULES);
 210         moduleVersionOpt = options.get(Option.MODULE_VERSION);
 211     }
 213     int depth = -1;
 214     private void dprintln(String msg) {
 215         for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)

 349         } else if (isModuleInfo) {
 350             if (multiModuleMode) {
 351                 JCTree tree = toplevel.defs.isEmpty() ? toplevel : toplevel.defs.head;
 352                 log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.ExpectedModule);
 353             }
 354         }
 355     }
 357     private void setCompilationUnitModules(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, Set<ModuleSymbol> rootModules, ClassSymbol c) {
 358         // update the module for each compilation unit
 359         if (multiModuleMode) {
 360             checkNoAllModulePath();
 361             for (JCCompilationUnit tree: trees) {
 362                 if (tree.defs.isEmpty()) {
 363                     tree.modle = syms.unnamedModule;
 364                     continue;
 365                 }
 367                 JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile);
 368                 try {
 369                     Location locn = getModuleLocation(tree);
 370                     if (locn != null) {
 371                         Name name = names.fromString(fileManager.inferModuleName(locn));

 372                         ModuleSymbol msym;
 373                         JCModuleDecl decl = tree.getModuleDecl();
 374                         if (decl != null) {
 375                             msym = decl.sym;
 376                             if (msym.name != name) {
 377                                 log.error(decl.qualId, Errors.ModuleNameMismatch(msym.name, name));
 378                             }
 379                         } else {
 380                             if (tree.getPackage() == null) {
 381                                 log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.UnnamedPkgNotAllowedNamedModules);
 382                             }
 383                             msym = syms.enterModule(name);
 384                         }
 385                         if (msym.sourceLocation == null) {
 386                             msym.sourceLocation = locn;
 387                             if (fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT)) {
 388                                 msym.classLocation = fileManager.getLocationForModule(
 389                                         StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, msym.name.toString());
 390                             }
 391                         }
 392                         tree.modle = msym;
 393                         rootModules.add(msym);
 394                     } else if (c != null && c.packge().modle == syms.unnamedModule) {
 395                         tree.modle = syms.unnamedModule;
 396                     } else {
 397                         if (tree.getModuleDecl() != null) {
 398                             log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.ModuleNotFoundOnModuleSourcePath);
 399                         } else {
 400                             log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.NotInModuleOnModuleSourcePath);
 401                         }
 402                         tree.modle = syms.errModule;
 403                     }
 404                 } catch (IOException e) {
 405                     throw new Error(e); // FIXME
 406                 } finally {
 407                     log.useSource(prev);
 408                 }
 409             }
 410             if (syms.unnamedModule.sourceLocation == null) {
 411                 syms.unnamedModule.completer = getUnnamedModuleCompleter();
 412                 syms.unnamedModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 413                 syms.unnamedModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH;
 414             }
 415             defaultModule = syms.unnamedModule;
 416         } else {

 417             if (defaultModule == null) {

 418                 switch (rootModules.size()) {
 419                     case 0:
 420                         defaultModule = moduleFinder.findSingleModule();
 421                         if (defaultModule == syms.unnamedModule) {
 422                             if (moduleOverride != null) {
 423                                 checkNoAllModulePath();
 424                                 defaultModule = moduleFinder.findModule(names.fromString(moduleOverride));

 425                                 defaultModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;

 426                             } else {
 427                                 // Question: why not do findAllModules and initVisiblePackages here?
 428                                 // i.e. body of unnamedModuleCompleter
 429                                 defaultModule.completer = getUnnamedModuleCompleter();

 430                                 defaultModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH;
 431                             }
 432                         } else {
 433                             checkSpecifiedModule(trees, Errors.ModuleInfoWithXmoduleClasspath);
 434                             checkNoAllModulePath();
 435                             defaultModule.complete();
 436                             // Question: why not do completeModule here?
 437                             defaultModule.completer = sym -> completeModule((ModuleSymbol) sym);

 438                         }
 439                         rootModules.add(defaultModule);
 440                         break;
 441                     case 1:
 442                         checkSpecifiedModule(trees, Errors.ModuleInfoWithXmoduleSourcepath);
 443                         checkNoAllModulePath();
 444                         defaultModule = rootModules.iterator().next();

 445                         defaultModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT;
 446                         break;
 447                     default:
 448                         Assert.error("too many modules");
 449                 }
 450                 defaultModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 451             } else if (rootModules.size() == 1 && defaultModule == rootModules.iterator().next()) {
 452                 defaultModule.complete();
 453                 defaultModule.completer = sym -> completeModule((ModuleSymbol) sym);
 454             } else {
 455                 Assert.check(rootModules.isEmpty());
 456                 rootModules.add(defaultModule);

 457             }
 459             if (defaultModule != syms.unnamedModule) {
 460                 syms.unnamedModule.completer = getUnnamedModuleCompleter();
 461                 syms.unnamedModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH;
 462             }

 464             for (JCCompilationUnit tree: trees) {
 465                 tree.modle = defaultModule;
 466             }
 467         }
 468     }

 470     /**
 471      * Determine the location for the module on the module source path
 472      * or source output directory which contains a given CompilationUnit.
 473      * If the source output directory is unset, the class output directory
 474      * will be checked instead.
 475      * {@code null} is returned if no such module can be found.
 476      * @param tree the compilation unit tree
 477      * @return the location for the enclosing module
 478      * @throws IOException if there is a problem while searching for the module.
 479      */
 480     private Location getModuleLocation(JCCompilationUnit tree) throws IOException {
 481         Name pkgName;
 482         if (tree.getModuleDecl() != null) {
 483             pkgName = null;
 484         } else {
 485             JCPackageDecl pkg = tree.getPackage();
 486             pkgName = (pkg == null) ? names.empty : TreeInfo.fullName(pkg.pid);
 487         }
 489         JavaFileObject fo = tree.sourcefile;
 491         // For now, just check module source path.
 492         // We may want to check source path as well.
 493         Location loc =
 494                 fileManager.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH,
 495                                                  fo, (pkgName == null) ? null : pkgName.toString());
 496         if (loc == null) {
 497             Location sourceOutput = fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT) ?
 498                     StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT : StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT;
 499             loc =
 500                 fileManager.getLocationForModule(sourceOutput,
 501                                                  fo, (pkgName == null) ? null : pkgName.toString());
 502         }
 503         return loc;
 504     }
 506     private void checkSpecifiedModule(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, JCDiagnostic.Error error) {
 507         if (moduleOverride != null) {
 508             JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(trees.head.sourcefile);
 509             try {
 510                 log.error(trees.head.pos(), error);
 511             } finally {
 512                 log.useSource(prev);
 513             }
 514         }
 515     }
 517     private void checkNoAllModulePath() {
 518         if (addModsOpt != null && Arrays.asList(addModsOpt.split(",")).contains(ALL_MODULE_PATH)) {
 519             log.error(Errors.AddmodsAllModulePathInvalid);
 520         }
 521     }
 523     private final Completer mainCompleter = new Completer() {
 524         @Override
 525         public void complete(Symbol sym) throws CompletionFailure {
 526             ModuleSymbol msym = moduleFinder.findModule((ModuleSymbol) sym);

1577         return msym.name + "["
1578                 + "kind:" + msym.kind + ";"
1579                 + "locn:" + toString(msym.sourceLocation) + "," + toString(msym.classLocation) + ";"
1580                 + "info:" + toString(msym.module_info.sourcefile) + ","
1581                             + toString(msym.module_info.classfile) + ","
1582                             + msym.module_info.completer
1583                 + "]";
1584     }
1586     // DEBUG
1587     String toString(Location locn) {
1588         return (locn == null) ? "--" : locn.getName();
1589     }
1591     // DEBUG
1592     String toString(JavaFileObject fo) {
1593         return (fo == null) ? "--" : fo.getName();
1594     }
1596     public void newRound() {
1597         rootModules = null;
1598         allModules = null;

1599         warnedMissing.clear();
1600     }
1601 }

 128  */
 129 public class Modules extends JCTree.Visitor {
 130     private static final String ALL_SYSTEM = "ALL-SYSTEM";
 131     private static final String ALL_MODULE_PATH = "ALL-MODULE-PATH";
 133     private final Log log;
 134     private final Names names;
 135     private final Symtab syms;
 136     private final Attr attr;
 137     private final Check chk;
 138     private final DeferredLintHandler deferredLintHandler;
 139     private final TypeEnvs typeEnvs;
 140     private final Types types;
 141     private final JavaFileManager fileManager;
 142     private final ModuleFinder moduleFinder;
 143     private final Source source;
 144     private final boolean allowModules;
 146     public final boolean multiModuleMode;
 148     private final String legacyModuleOverride;
 150     private final Name java_se;
 151     private final Name java_;
 153     ModuleSymbol defaultModule;
 155     private final String addExportsOpt;
 156     private Map<ModuleSymbol, Set<ExportsDirective>> addExports;
 157     private final String addReadsOpt;
 158     private Map<ModuleSymbol, Set<RequiresDirective>> addReads;
 159     private final String addModsOpt;
 160     private final Set<String> extraAddMods = new HashSet<>();
 161     private final String limitModsOpt;
 162     private final Set<String> extraLimitMods = new HashSet<>();
 163     private final String moduleVersionOpt;
 165     private final boolean lintOptions;
 167     private Set<ModuleSymbol> rootModules = null;
 168     private final Set<ModuleSymbol> warnedMissing = new HashSet<>();

 175     }
 177     protected Modules(Context context) {
 178         context.put(Modules.class, this);
 179         log = Log.instance(context);
 180         names = Names.instance(context);
 181         syms = Symtab.instance(context);
 182         attr = Attr.instance(context);
 183         chk = Check.instance(context);
 184         deferredLintHandler = DeferredLintHandler.instance(context);
 185         typeEnvs = TypeEnvs.instance(context);
 186         moduleFinder = ModuleFinder.instance(context);
 187         types = Types.instance(context);
 188         fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class);
 189         source = Source.instance(context);
 190         allowModules = source.allowModules();
 191         Options options = Options.instance(context);
 193         lintOptions = options.isUnset(Option.XLINT_CUSTOM, "-" + LintCategory.OPTIONS.option);
 195         legacyModuleOverride = options.get(Option.XMODULE);
 197         multiModuleMode = fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH);
 198         ClassWriter classWriter = ClassWriter.instance(context);
 199         classWriter.multiModuleMode = multiModuleMode;
 200         JNIWriter jniWriter = JNIWriter.instance(context);
 201         jniWriter.multiModuleMode = multiModuleMode;
 203         java_se = names.fromString("java.se");
 204         java_ = names.fromString("java.");
 206         addExportsOpt = options.get(Option.ADD_EXPORTS);
 207         addReadsOpt = options.get(Option.ADD_READS);
 208         addModsOpt = options.get(Option.ADD_MODULES);
 209         limitModsOpt = options.get(Option.LIMIT_MODULES);
 210         moduleVersionOpt = options.get(Option.MODULE_VERSION);
 211     }
 213     int depth = -1;
 214     private void dprintln(String msg) {
 215         for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)

 349         } else if (isModuleInfo) {
 350             if (multiModuleMode) {
 351                 JCTree tree = toplevel.defs.isEmpty() ? toplevel : toplevel.defs.head;
 352                 log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.ExpectedModule);
 353             }
 354         }
 355     }
 357     private void setCompilationUnitModules(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, Set<ModuleSymbol> rootModules, ClassSymbol c) {
 358         // update the module for each compilation unit
 359         if (multiModuleMode) {
 360             checkNoAllModulePath();
 361             for (JCCompilationUnit tree: trees) {
 362                 if (tree.defs.isEmpty()) {
 363                     tree.modle = syms.unnamedModule;
 364                     continue;
 365                 }
 367                 JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile);
 368                 try {
 369                     Location msplocn = getModuleLocation(tree);
 370                     Location plocn = fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH) ?
 371                             fileManager.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH,
 372                                                              tree.sourcefile, getPackageName(tree)) :
 373                             null;
 375                     if (plocn != null) {
 376                         Name name = names.fromString(fileManager.inferModuleName(plocn));
 377                         ModuleSymbol msym = moduleFinder.findModule(name);
 378                         tree.modle = msym;
 379                         rootModules.add(msym);
 381                         if (msplocn != null) {
 382                             Name mspname = names.fromString(fileManager.inferModuleName(msplocn));
 383                             if (name != mspname) {
 384                                 log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.FilePatchedAndMsp(name, mspname));
 385                             }
 386                         }
 387                     } else if (msplocn != null) {
 388                         Name name = names.fromString(fileManager.inferModuleName(msplocn));
 389                         ModuleSymbol msym;
 390                         JCModuleDecl decl = tree.getModuleDecl();
 391                         if (decl != null) {
 392                             msym = decl.sym;
 393                             if (msym.name != name) {
 394                                 log.error(decl.qualId, Errors.ModuleNameMismatch(msym.name, name));
 395                             }
 396                         } else {
 397                             if (tree.getPackage() == null) {
 398                                 log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.UnnamedPkgNotAllowedNamedModules);
 399                             }
 400                             msym = syms.enterModule(name);
 401                         }
 402                         if (msym.sourceLocation == null) {
 403                             msym.sourceLocation = msplocn;
 404                             if (fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT)) {
 405                                 msym.classLocation = fileManager.getLocationForModule(
 406                                         StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, msym.name.toString());
 407                             }
 408                         }
 409                         tree.modle = msym;
 410                         rootModules.add(msym);
 411                     } else if (c != null && c.packge().modle == syms.unnamedModule) {
 412                         tree.modle = syms.unnamedModule;
 413                     } else {
 414                         if (tree.getModuleDecl() != null) {
 415                             log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.ModuleNotFoundOnModuleSourcePath);
 416                         } else {
 417                             log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.NotInModuleOnModuleSourcePath);
 418                         }
 419                         tree.modle = syms.errModule;
 420                     }
 421                 } catch (IOException e) {
 422                     throw new Error(e); // FIXME
 423                 } finally {
 424                     log.useSource(prev);
 425                 }
 426             }
 427             if (syms.unnamedModule.sourceLocation == null) {
 428                 syms.unnamedModule.completer = getUnnamedModuleCompleter();
 429                 syms.unnamedModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 430                 syms.unnamedModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH;
 431             }
 432             defaultModule = syms.unnamedModule;
 433         } else {
 434             ModuleSymbol module = null;
 435             if (defaultModule == null) {
 436                 String moduleOverride = singleModuleOverride(trees);
 437                 switch (rootModules.size()) {
 438                     case 0:
 439                         defaultModule = moduleFinder.findSingleModule();
 440                         if (defaultModule == syms.unnamedModule) {
 441                             if (moduleOverride != null) {
 442                                 checkNoAllModulePath();
 443                                 defaultModule = moduleFinder.findModule(names.fromString(moduleOverride));
 444                                 if (legacyModuleOverride != null) {
 445                                     defaultModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 446                                 }
 447                                 defaultModule.patchOutputLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT;
 448                             } else {
 449                                 // Question: why not do findAllModules and initVisiblePackages here?
 450                                 // i.e. body of unnamedModuleCompleter
 451                                 defaultModule.completer = getUnnamedModuleCompleter();
 452                                 defaultModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 453                                 defaultModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH;
 454                             }
 455                         } else {
 456                             checkSpecifiedModule(trees, moduleOverride, Errors.ModuleInfoWithPatchedModuleClassoutput);
 457                             checkNoAllModulePath();
 458                             defaultModule.complete();
 459                             // Question: why not do completeModule here?
 460                             defaultModule.completer = sym -> completeModule((ModuleSymbol) sym);
 461                             defaultModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 462                         }
 463                         rootModules.add(defaultModule);
 464                         break;
 465                     case 1:
 466                         checkSpecifiedModule(trees, moduleOverride, Errors.ModuleInfoWithPatchedModuleSourcepath);
 467                         checkNoAllModulePath();
 468                         defaultModule = rootModules.iterator().next();
 469                         defaultModule.sourceLocation = StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH;
 470                         defaultModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT;
 471                         break;
 472                     default:
 473                         Assert.error("too many modules");
 474                 }

 475             } else if (rootModules.size() == 1 && defaultModule == rootModules.iterator().next()) {
 476                 defaultModule.complete();
 477                 defaultModule.completer = sym -> completeModule((ModuleSymbol) sym);
 478             } else {
 479                 Assert.check(rootModules.isEmpty());
 480                 String moduleOverride = singleModuleOverride(trees);
 481                 if (moduleOverride != null) {
 482                     module = moduleFinder.findModule(names.fromString(moduleOverride));
 483                 } else {
 484                     module = defaultModule;
 485                 }
 486                 rootModules.add(module);
 487             }
 489             if (defaultModule != syms.unnamedModule) {
 490                 syms.unnamedModule.completer = getUnnamedModuleCompleter();
 491                 syms.unnamedModule.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH;
 492             }
 494             if (module == null) {
 495                 module = defaultModule;
 496             }
 498             for (JCCompilationUnit tree: trees) {
 499                 tree.modle = module;
 500             }
 501         }
 502     }
 504     private String singleModuleOverride(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees) {
 505         if (!fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH)) {
 506             return legacyModuleOverride;
 507         }
 509         Set<String> override = new LinkedHashSet<>();
 510         for (JCCompilationUnit tree : trees) {
 511             JavaFileObject fo = tree.sourcefile;
 513             try {
 514                 Location loc =
 515                         fileManager.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH,
 516                                                          fo, getPackageName(tree));
 518                 if (loc != null) {
 519                     try {
 520                         override.add(fileManager.inferModuleName(loc));
 521                     } catch (IOException ex) {
 522                         throw new Error(ex);
 523                     }
 524                 }
 525             } catch (IOException ex) {
 526                 ex.printStackTrace();
 527             }
 528         }
 530         switch (override.size()) {
 531             case 0: return legacyModuleOverride;
 532             case 1: return override.iterator().next();
 533             default:
 534                 log.error(Errors.TooManyPatchedModules(override));
 535                 return null;
 536         }
 537     }
 539     private String getPackageName(JCCompilationUnit tree) {
 540         if (tree.getModuleDecl() != null) {
 541             return null;
 542         } else {
 543             JCPackageDecl pkg = tree.getPackage();
 544             return (pkg == null) ? "" : TreeInfo.fullName(pkg.pid).toString();
 545         }
 546     }
 548     /**
 549      * Determine the location for the module on the module source path
 550      * or source output directory which contains a given CompilationUnit.
 551      * If the source output directory is unset, the class output directory
 552      * will be checked instead.
 553      * {@code null} is returned if no such module can be found.
 554      * @param tree the compilation unit tree
 555      * @return the location for the enclosing module
 556      * @throws IOException if there is a problem while searching for the module.
 557      */
 558     private Location getModuleLocation(JCCompilationUnit tree) throws IOException {
 559         String pkgName = getPackageName(tree);

 560         JavaFileObject fo = tree.sourcefile;

 562         Location loc =
 563                 fileManager.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH,
 564                                                  fo, (pkgName == null) ? null : pkgName);
 565         if (loc == null) {
 566             Location sourceOutput = fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT) ?
 567                     StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT : StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT;
 568             loc =
 569                 fileManager.getLocationForModule(sourceOutput,
 570                                                  fo, (pkgName == null) ? null : pkgName);
 571         }
 572         return loc;
 573     }
 575     private void checkSpecifiedModule(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, String moduleOverride, JCDiagnostic.Error error) {
 576         if (moduleOverride != null) {
 577             JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(trees.head.sourcefile);
 578             try {
 579                 log.error(trees.head.pos(), error);
 580             } finally {
 581                 log.useSource(prev);
 582             }
 583         }
 584     }
 586     private void checkNoAllModulePath() {
 587         if (addModsOpt != null && Arrays.asList(addModsOpt.split(",")).contains(ALL_MODULE_PATH)) {
 588             log.error(Errors.AddmodsAllModulePathInvalid);
 589         }
 590     }
 592     private final Completer mainCompleter = new Completer() {
 593         @Override
 594         public void complete(Symbol sym) throws CompletionFailure {
 595             ModuleSymbol msym = moduleFinder.findModule((ModuleSymbol) sym);

1646         return msym.name + "["
1647                 + "kind:" + msym.kind + ";"
1648                 + "locn:" + toString(msym.sourceLocation) + "," + toString(msym.classLocation) + ";"
1649                 + "info:" + toString(msym.module_info.sourcefile) + ","
1650                             + toString(msym.module_info.classfile) + ","
1651                             + msym.module_info.completer
1652                 + "]";
1653     }
1655     // DEBUG
1656     String toString(Location locn) {
1657         return (locn == null) ? "--" : locn.getName();
1658     }
1660     // DEBUG
1661     String toString(JavaFileObject fo) {
1662         return (fo == null) ? "--" : fo.getName();
1663     }
1665     public void newRound() {

1666         allModules = null;
1667         rootModules = null;
1668         warnedMissing.clear();
1669     }
1670 }
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