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rev 54094 : 8257853: Remove dependencies on JNF's JNI utility functions in AWT and 2D code
rev 54096 : 8259651: [macOS] Replace JNF_COCOA_ENTER/EXIT macros
rev 54098 : 8260616: Removing remaining JNF dependencies in the java.desktop module
8259729: Missed JNFInstanceOf -> IsInstanceOf conversion

*** 28,42 **** #import "sun_awt_SunHints.h" #import "sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe.h" #import "sun_java2d_OSXSurfaceData.h" - #import <JavaNativeFoundation/JavaNativeFoundation.h> - #import "CoreTextSupport.h" #import "QuartzSurfaceData.h" #include "AWTStrike.h" static const CGAffineTransform sInverseTX = { 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 }; #pragma mark --- CoreText Support --- --- 28,41 ---- #import "sun_awt_SunHints.h" #import "sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe.h" #import "sun_java2d_OSXSurfaceData.h" #import "CoreTextSupport.h" #import "QuartzSurfaceData.h" #include "AWTStrike.h" + #import "JNIUtilities.h" static const CGAffineTransform sInverseTX = { 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 }; #pragma mark --- CoreText Support ---
*** 320,339 **** acquired at a given stage, must be released in that stage. Any error that occurs (like a failed malloc) is to be handled in the stage it occurs in, and is to return immediatly after freeing it's resources. -----------------------------------*/ ! static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_StandardGlyphVector, "sun/font/StandardGlyphVector"); // Checks the GlyphVector Java object for any transforms that were applied to individual characters. If none are present, // strike the glyphs immediately in Core Graphics. Otherwise, obtain the arrays, and defer to above. static inline void doDrawGlyphsPipe_checkForPerGlyphTransforms (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector, BOOL useSubstituion, int *uniChars, CGGlyph *glyphs, CGSize *advances, size_t length) { // if we have no character substitution, and no per-glyph transformations - strike now! ! static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_StandardGlyphVector_gti, jc_StandardGlyphVector, "gti", "Lsun/font/StandardGlyphVector$GlyphTransformInfo;"); ! jobject gti = JNFGetObjectField(env, gVector, jm_StandardGlyphVector_gti); if (gti == 0) { if (useSubstituion) { // quasi-simple case, substitution, but no per-glyph transforms --- 319,340 ---- acquired at a given stage, must be released in that stage. Any error that occurs (like a failed malloc) is to be handled in the stage it occurs in, and is to return immediatly after freeing it's resources. -----------------------------------*/ ! static jclass jc_StandardGlyphVector = NULL; ! #define GET_SGV_CLASS() GET_CLASS(jc_StandardGlyphVector, "sun/font/StandardGlyphVector"); // Checks the GlyphVector Java object for any transforms that were applied to individual characters. If none are present, // strike the glyphs immediately in Core Graphics. Otherwise, obtain the arrays, and defer to above. static inline void doDrawGlyphsPipe_checkForPerGlyphTransforms (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector, BOOL useSubstituion, int *uniChars, CGGlyph *glyphs, CGSize *advances, size_t length) { // if we have no character substitution, and no per-glyph transformations - strike now! ! GET_SGV_CLASS(); ! DECLARE_FIELD(jm_StandardGlyphVector_gti, jc_StandardGlyphVector, "gti", "Lsun/font/StandardGlyphVector$GlyphTransformInfo;"); ! jobject gti = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, gVector, jm_StandardGlyphVector_gti); if (gti == 0) { if (useSubstituion) { // quasi-simple case, substitution, but no per-glyph transforms
*** 345,368 **** CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(qsdo->cgRef, glyphs, advances, length); } return; } ! static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo, "sun/font/StandardGlyphVector$GlyphTransformInfo"); ! static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_transforms, jc_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo, "transforms", "[D"); ! jdoubleArray g_gtiTransformsArray = JNFGetObjectField(env, gti, jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_transforms); //(*env)->GetObjectField(env, gti, g_gtiTransforms); if (g_gtiTransformsArray == NULL) { return; } jdouble *g_gvTransformsAsDoubles = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, g_gtiTransformsArray, NULL); if (g_gvTransformsAsDoubles == NULL) { (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, g_gtiTransformsArray); return; } ! static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_indices, jc_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo, "indices", "[I"); ! jintArray g_gtiTXIndicesArray = JNFGetObjectField(env, gti, jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_indices); jint *g_gvTXIndicesAsInts = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, g_gtiTXIndicesArray, NULL); if (g_gvTXIndicesAsInts == NULL) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, g_gtiTransformsArray, g_gvTransformsAsDoubles, JNI_ABORT); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, g_gtiTransformsArray); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, g_gtiTXIndicesArray); --- 346,369 ---- CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(qsdo->cgRef, glyphs, advances, length); } return; } ! DECLARE_CLASS(jc_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo, "sun/font/StandardGlyphVector$GlyphTransformInfo"); ! DECLARE_FIELD(jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_transforms, jc_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo, "transforms", "[D"); ! jdoubleArray g_gtiTransformsArray = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, gti, jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_transforms); //(*env)->GetObjectField(env, gti, g_gtiTransforms); if (g_gtiTransformsArray == NULL) { return; } jdouble *g_gvTransformsAsDoubles = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, g_gtiTransformsArray, NULL); if (g_gvTransformsAsDoubles == NULL) { (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, g_gtiTransformsArray); return; } ! DECLARE_FIELD(jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_indices, jc_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo, "indices", "[I"); ! jintArray g_gtiTXIndicesArray = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, gti, jm_StandardGlyphVector_GlyphTransformInfo_indices); jint *g_gvTXIndicesAsInts = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, g_gtiTXIndicesArray, NULL); if (g_gvTXIndicesAsInts == NULL) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, g_gtiTransformsArray, g_gvTransformsAsDoubles, JNI_ABORT); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, g_gtiTransformsArray); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, g_gtiTXIndicesArray);
*** 435,446 **** } (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, glyphsArray, glyphsAsInts, JNI_ABORT); // fill the advance buffer ! static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_StandardGlyphVector_positions, jc_StandardGlyphVector, "positions", "[F"); ! jfloatArray posArray = JNFGetObjectField(env, gVector, jm_StandardGlyphVector_positions); jfloat *positions = NULL; if (posArray != NULL) { // in this case, the positions have already been pre-calculated for us on the Java side positions = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, posArray, NULL); if (positions == NULL) { --- 436,448 ---- } (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, glyphsArray, glyphsAsInts, JNI_ABORT); // fill the advance buffer ! GET_SGV_CLASS(); ! DECLARE_FIELD(jm_StandardGlyphVector_positions, jc_StandardGlyphVector, "positions", "[F"); ! jfloatArray posArray = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, gVector, jm_StandardGlyphVector_positions); jfloat *positions = NULL; if (posArray != NULL) { // in this case, the positions have already been pre-calculated for us on the Java side positions = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, posArray, NULL); if (positions == NULL) {
*** 495,506 **** // Obtains the glyph array to determine the number of glyphs we are dealing with. If we are dealing a large number of glyphs, // we malloc a buffer to hold the glyphs and their advances, otherwise we use stack allocated buffers. static inline void doDrawGlyphsPipe_getGlyphVectorLengthAndAlloc (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector) { ! static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_StandardGlyphVector_glyphs, jc_StandardGlyphVector, "glyphs", "[I"); ! jintArray glyphsArray = JNFGetObjectField(env, gVector, jm_StandardGlyphVector_glyphs); jsize length = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, glyphsArray); if (length == 0) { // nothing to draw --- 497,509 ---- // Obtains the glyph array to determine the number of glyphs we are dealing with. If we are dealing a large number of glyphs, // we malloc a buffer to hold the glyphs and their advances, otherwise we use stack allocated buffers. static inline void doDrawGlyphsPipe_getGlyphVectorLengthAndAlloc (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector) { ! GET_SGV_CLASS(); ! DECLARE_FIELD(jm_StandardGlyphVector_glyphs, jc_StandardGlyphVector, "glyphs", "[I"); ! jintArray glyphsArray = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, gVector, jm_StandardGlyphVector_glyphs); jsize length = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, glyphsArray); if (length == 0) { // nothing to draw
*** 579,616 **** * Signature: (Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;JLjava/lang/String;DD)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe_doDrawString (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jstring str, jdouble x, jdouble y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); jsize len = (*env)->GetStringLength(env, str); if (len < MAX_STACK_ALLOC_GLYPH_BUFFER_SIZE) // optimized for stack allocation <rdar://problem/4285041> { jchar unichars[len]; (*env)->GetStringRegion(env, str, 0, len, unichars); ! JNF_CHECK_AND_RETHROW_EXCEPTION(env); // Draw the text context DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, unichars, len, x, y); } else { // Get string to draw and the length ! const jchar *unichars = JNFGetStringUTF16UniChars(env, str); // Draw the text context DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, unichars, len, x, y); ! JNFReleaseStringUTF16UniChars(env, str, unichars); } ! JNF_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe --- 582,626 ---- * Signature: (Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;JLjava/lang/String;DD)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe_doDrawString (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jstring str, jdouble x, jdouble y) { + if (str == NULL) { + return; + } QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNI_COCOA_ENTER(env); jsize len = (*env)->GetStringLength(env, str); if (len < MAX_STACK_ALLOC_GLYPH_BUFFER_SIZE) // optimized for stack allocation <rdar://problem/4285041> { jchar unichars[len]; (*env)->GetStringRegion(env, str, 0, len, unichars); ! CHECK_EXCEPTION(); // Draw the text context DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, unichars, len, x, y); } else { // Get string to draw and the length ! const jchar *unichars = (*env)->GetStringChars(env, str, NULL); ! if (unichars == NULL) { ! JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "Could not get string chars"); ! return; ! } // Draw the text context DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, unichars, len, x, y); ! (*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, str, unichars); } ! JNI_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe
*** 621,657 **** (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jcharArray unicodes, jint offset, jint length, jfloat x, jfloat y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); // Setup the text context if (length < MAX_STACK_ALLOC_GLYPH_BUFFER_SIZE) // optimized for stack allocation { jchar copyUnichars[length]; (*env)->GetCharArrayRegion(env, unicodes, offset, length, copyUnichars); ! JNF_CHECK_AND_RETHROW_EXCEPTION(env); DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, copyUnichars, length, x, y); } else { jchar *copyUnichars = malloc(length * sizeof(jchar)); if (!copyUnichars) { ! [JNFException raise:env as:kOutOfMemoryError reason:"Failed to malloc memory to create the glyphs for string drawing"]; } @try { (*env)->GetCharArrayRegion(env, unicodes, offset, length, copyUnichars); ! JNF_CHECK_AND_RETHROW_EXCEPTION(env); DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, copyUnichars, length, x, y); } @finally { free(copyUnichars); } } ! JNF_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe * Method: doOneUnicode --- 631,668 ---- (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jcharArray unicodes, jint offset, jint length, jfloat x, jfloat y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNI_COCOA_ENTER(env); // Setup the text context if (length < MAX_STACK_ALLOC_GLYPH_BUFFER_SIZE) // optimized for stack allocation { jchar copyUnichars[length]; (*env)->GetCharArrayRegion(env, unicodes, offset, length, copyUnichars); ! CHECK_EXCEPTION(); DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, copyUnichars, length, x, y); } else { jchar *copyUnichars = malloc(length * sizeof(jchar)); if (!copyUnichars) { ! JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "Failed to malloc memory to create the glyphs for string drawing"); ! return; } @try { (*env)->GetCharArrayRegion(env, unicodes, offset, length, copyUnichars); ! CHECK_EXCEPTION(); DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, copyUnichars, length, x, y); } @finally { free(copyUnichars); } } ! JNI_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe * Method: doOneUnicode
*** 661,675 **** (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jchar aUnicode, jfloat x, jfloat y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, &aUnicode, 1, x, y); ! JNF_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe * Method: doDrawGlyphs --- 672,686 ---- (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jchar aUnicode, jfloat x, jfloat y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNI_COCOA_ENTER(env); DrawTextContext(env, qsdo, awtStrike, &aUnicode, 1, x, y); ! JNI_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CTextPipe * Method: doDrawGlyphs
*** 679,689 **** (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jobject gVector, jfloat x, jfloat y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); qsdo->BeginSurface(env, qsdo, SD_Text); if (qsdo->cgRef == NULL) { qsdo->FinishSurface(env, qsdo); --- 690,700 ---- (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jsurfacedata, jlong awtStrikePtr, jobject gVector, jfloat x, jfloat y) { QuartzSDOps *qsdo = (QuartzSDOps *)SurfaceData_GetOps(env, jsurfacedata); AWTStrike *awtStrike = (AWTStrike *)jlong_to_ptr(awtStrikePtr); ! JNI_COCOA_ENTER(env); qsdo->BeginSurface(env, qsdo, SD_Text); if (qsdo->cgRef == NULL) { qsdo->FinishSurface(env, qsdo);
*** 697,703 **** CGContextRestoreGState(qsdo->cgRef); qsdo->FinishSurface(env, qsdo); ! JNF_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); } --- 708,714 ---- CGContextRestoreGState(qsdo->cgRef); qsdo->FinishSurface(env, qsdo); ! JNI_COCOA_RENDERER_EXIT(env); }
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