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 160   Compilation*  compilation() const              { return _compilation; }
 161   LIRGenerator* gen() const                      { return _gen; }
 162   FrameMap*     frame_map() const                { return _frame_map; }
 164   // unified bailout support
 165   void          bailout(const char* msg) const   { compilation()->bailout(msg); }
 166   bool          bailed_out() const               { return compilation()->bailed_out(); }
 168   // access to block list (sorted in linear scan order)
 169   int           block_count() const              { assert(_cached_blocks.length() == ir()->linear_scan_order()->length(), "invalid cached block list"); return _cached_blocks.length(); }
 170   BlockBegin*   block_at(int idx) const          { assert(_cached_blocks.at(idx) == ir()->linear_scan_order()->at(idx), "invalid cached block list");   return _cached_blocks.at(idx); }
 172   int           num_virtual_regs() const         { return _num_virtual_regs; }
 173   // size of live_in and live_out sets of BasicBlocks (BitMap needs rounded size for iteration)
 174   int           live_set_size() const            { return align_up(_num_virtual_regs, BitsPerWord); }
 175   bool          has_fpu_registers() const        { return _has_fpu_registers; }
 176   int           num_loops() const                { return ir()->num_loops(); }
 177   bool          is_interval_in_loop(int interval, int loop) const { return _interval_in_loop.at(interval, loop); }
 179   // handling of fpu stack allocation (platform dependent, needed for debug information generation)
 180 #ifdef X86
 181   FpuStackAllocator* _fpu_stack_allocator;
 182   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return UseSSE < 2 && has_fpu_registers(); }
 183 #else
 184   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return false; }
 185 #endif
 188   // access to interval list
 189   int           interval_count() const           { return _intervals.length(); }
 190   Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _intervals.at(reg_num); }
 192   // access to LIR_Ops and Blocks indexed by op_id
 193   int          max_lir_op_id() const                { assert(_lir_ops.length() > 0, "no operations"); return (_lir_ops.length() - 1) << 1; }
 194   LIR_Op*      lir_op_with_id(int op_id) const      { assert(op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() && op_id % 2 == 0, "op_id out of range or not even"); return _lir_ops.at(op_id >> 1); }
 195   BlockBegin*  block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { assert(_block_of_op.length() > 0 && op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() + 1, "op_id out of range"); return _block_of_op.at(op_id >> 1); }
 197   bool is_block_begin(int op_id)                    { return op_id == 0 || block_of_op_with_id(op_id) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id - 1); }
 199   bool has_call(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_call.at(op_id >> 1); }
 200   bool has_info(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_info.at(op_id >> 1); }

 160   Compilation*  compilation() const              { return _compilation; }
 161   LIRGenerator* gen() const                      { return _gen; }
 162   FrameMap*     frame_map() const                { return _frame_map; }
 164   // unified bailout support
 165   void          bailout(const char* msg) const   { compilation()->bailout(msg); }
 166   bool          bailed_out() const               { return compilation()->bailed_out(); }
 168   // access to block list (sorted in linear scan order)
 169   int           block_count() const              { assert(_cached_blocks.length() == ir()->linear_scan_order()->length(), "invalid cached block list"); return _cached_blocks.length(); }
 170   BlockBegin*   block_at(int idx) const          { assert(_cached_blocks.at(idx) == ir()->linear_scan_order()->at(idx), "invalid cached block list");   return _cached_blocks.at(idx); }
 172   int           num_virtual_regs() const         { return _num_virtual_regs; }
 173   // size of live_in and live_out sets of BasicBlocks (BitMap needs rounded size for iteration)
 174   int           live_set_size() const            { return align_up(_num_virtual_regs, BitsPerWord); }
 175   bool          has_fpu_registers() const        { return _has_fpu_registers; }
 176   int           num_loops() const                { return ir()->num_loops(); }
 177   bool          is_interval_in_loop(int interval, int loop) const { return _interval_in_loop.at(interval, loop); }
 179   // handling of fpu stack allocation (platform dependent, needed for debug information generation)
 180 #ifdef IA32
 181   FpuStackAllocator* _fpu_stack_allocator;
 182   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return UseSSE < 2 && has_fpu_registers(); }
 183 #else
 184   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return false; }
 185 #endif
 188   // access to interval list
 189   int           interval_count() const           { return _intervals.length(); }
 190   Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _intervals.at(reg_num); }
 192   // access to LIR_Ops and Blocks indexed by op_id
 193   int          max_lir_op_id() const                { assert(_lir_ops.length() > 0, "no operations"); return (_lir_ops.length() - 1) << 1; }
 194   LIR_Op*      lir_op_with_id(int op_id) const      { assert(op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() && op_id % 2 == 0, "op_id out of range or not even"); return _lir_ops.at(op_id >> 1); }
 195   BlockBegin*  block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { assert(_block_of_op.length() > 0 && op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() + 1, "op_id out of range"); return _block_of_op.at(op_id >> 1); }
 197   bool is_block_begin(int op_id)                    { return op_id == 0 || block_of_op_with_id(op_id) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id - 1); }
 199   bool has_call(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_call.at(op_id >> 1); }
 200   bool has_info(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_info.at(op_id >> 1); }

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